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Pensions tax relief: NAPF response to HMT/HMRT consultation
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Improving Outcomes for Members of DC Schemes
McCloud Scotland: Amendments to underpin
Pensions Tax Relief Administration: CFE response
A changing climate
DC Decumulation: Final Recommendations
Taking action on climate risk PLSA response
Facing the future 2020
MHCLG Amendments to the statutory underpin
Protecting Pension Savers CFE: PLSA response
Tax after coronavirus CFE: PLSA response
DB funding code response
Data Standards: Call for Input – PLSA Response
Climate Indexes Made Simple
Default Charge Cap and Standardised CostDisclosure
Reform to Retail Prices Index Methodology
Implementation Statement guidance for trustees
DC Decumulation Call for Evidence
Engaging the engagers: A practical toolkit
GMP equalisation Made Simple
DC Chairs Statement Drafting Template
Covid-19 survey results
Covid 19: Top tips for Savers
Decarbonisation of UK Economy and Green Finance
Covid 19: Top tips for DC schemes
Covid 19: Top tips for DB schemes and LGPS funds
Gold Investment Made Simple
Diversity & Inclusion Made Simple
DB Funding Code Consultation Briefing
PPF Insolvency Scoring Methodology 2020/21 resp
PLSA Budget Representation February 2020
PLSA 2019 AGM Voting Review
Simpler Annual Benefit Statements Consultation
what plsa members want from us
Pension Scheme General Levy Review
Law Commission Intermediated Securities Response
Building an environment of trust in pensions
PLSA Pensions Manifesto 2019
PPF Levy Consultation 2020/21: PLSA response
Response to FCA consultation on transfer advice
Defined Benefit De-risking Made Simple 2019
Indices and Benchmarks Made Simple 2019
Cashflow Driven Investment CDI Made Simple
TPR future of trusteeship and governance
Local valuation cycle changes and risk management
BEIS consultation – CMA statutory audit remedies
TPR CMA investment consultants remedies
DWP Consultation on delivering the CMA Final Order
ESG Made Simple 2019
Intergenerational Differences PLSA FCA DP19 2
IGC Extension of Remit CP19 15
Money and Pensions Service Listening Document
Responsible Investment Guide 2019
Retirement Outcomes Review: Investment pathways
Diversity from an Investor’s Perspective 2019
PPF Levy Consultation 2019/20: PLSA response
LGPS Fair Deal - strengthening pension protection
FRC Stewardship Code consultation: PLSA response
Investment innovation and future consolidation
Hidden Talent 2: Has workforce reporting improved
CMA Remedies Order 2019: PLSA response
Patient Capital Made Simple
Multi Strategy Alternative Credit Made Simple
Consolidation of defined benefit pension schemes
2019 Corporate Governance Policy and Voting Guide
PLSA 2018 AGM Voting Review
Pensions dashboard
Delivering Collective Defined Contribution Pension
Ethnicity pay reporting consultation PLSA response
Patient capital and illiquid investment
CMA market study – statutory audit – PLSA response
Simpler annual pension statement
Bulk Annuities Made Simple
Currency: Risk and Return Made Simple
Master Trusts Made Simple
CMA investment consultants market investigation
Supervision & Enforcement Policy for master trusts
Protecting DB schemes – a stronger Regulator
Ban on cold calling in relation to pensions
Kingman review of the FRC – PLSA response
ROR: Proposed changes to our rules and guidance
Briefing on CMA investigation provisional decision
Clarifying trustees investment duties
Hitting the Target: Consultation responses
Hitting The Target - final recommendations
Hitting The Target: A Vision for Retirement Income
Combating Pension Scams – a Code of Good Practice
Insolvency and corporate governance: PLSA response
PLSA response to FCA consultation paper CP18/7
Work and Pensions Select Committee: PLSA response
CMA Working Paper 4 – Trustee engagement
CMA Working Paper 3 – conflicts of interest
CMA Working Paper 2 - PLSA response
DB White Paper – Member Briefing
CMA Working Paper 1
Response to the FRC consultation on the CG code
Impact Investing Made Simple
PLSA AGM review 2017
Decumulation decisions: pension freedoms journeys
Disclosure of costs, charges and investments
MIFID II – top five actions for pension schemes
More light less heat
Hidden talent. An analysis of the FTSE 100
PLSA response to PPF third triennium consultation
Diversity from an Investor’s Perspective
Good quality data for the private sector Made Simple
Integrated risk management Made Simple
Fiduciary management Made Simple
PLSA response to CMA Issues Statement
Hitting the target: delivering better retirement
Response to FCA premium listing category proposal
PLSA response to FCA asset management market study
DB Taskforce 3rd report - Opportunities for Change
PLSA Stewardship Survey 2017
Advising on pension transfers
FCA Retirement Outcomes Review - PLSA response
FCA Provisional view on undertakings in lieu
General Data Protection Regulation Made Simple
ICAEW consultation on Assurance Reporting on Master Trusts – an NAPF response
Margin requirements for non-centrally cleared derivatives: a response by NAPF
MiFID II/MIFIR Consultation Paper – dealing commission payments for investment research – an NAPF response
NAPF submission to the Treasury Select Committee inquiry: Quantitative Easing
‘Closing the gap’ a PPI report commissioned by the NAPF
0569 Consultation response Financial reporting Council Draft Strategy 2016
2013 NAPF AGM Report
2014 NAPF AGM Report
2015 NAPF AGM Report
2017 Review of Automatic Enrolment: PLSA response
2017/18 PPF levy consultation
A Budget for pensions: NAPF submission to HM Treasury on 2010 Budget_page title
A guide for employers participating in the LGPS: best practice
A levy rule for schemes without a substantive sponsor
A long-term focus for corporate Britain: NAPF response
A new statutory objective for The Pensions Regulator – An NAPF response to the DWP Call for Evidence
A state pension for the 21st century: a response by the NAPF
Abandonment of defined benefit pension schemes: NAPF response to TPR consultation
ABI’s annuity rate transparency consultation – an NAPF response
Abolition of Contracting Out on a DC Basis: The NAPF Submission to the Government’s consultation
Abolition of contracting out: response to consultation on statutory override for Protected Persons
Abolition of defined contribution contracting out: response to consultation
Accounting for Pensions
Age regulations amendment: NAPF repsonse to consultation
AGM Report 2016
All change
An Ageing Population and Financial Services: a response by the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association
An assessment of the Governments options for state pension reform: PPI/NAPF
An introduction to the LGPS for scheduled bodies
Annual Report and Accounts for 2015
Annual report and Accounts for 2016
Application of the material detriment test: NAPF response to TPR consultation
Approaches to the calculation of pension transfer values: NAPF response to consultation
Assessing Good Value for Members: A Good Practice Guide
Association of Pensions Lawyers proposal for VAT recovery – an NAPF response
Attitude to ownership report 2014
Audit firm governance: NAPF response to consultation
Audit firms providing non-audit services: NAPF response to APB consultation
Auditor liability limitation
Auto enrolment: NAPF response to DWP consultation
Automatic Enrolment Earnings Thresholds Review and Revision 2012-2013 NAPF response to DWP consultation
Automatic enrolment earnings thresholds review and revision 2013-14 an NAPF response
Automatic enrolment one year on
Autumn Statement submission 2012: Building better pensions
BEIS corporate governance reform green paper: PLSA response
BEIS Select Committee inquiry on Corporate Governance: PLSA response
Benefit equalisation for GMP: NAPF response to PPF consultation
Better Regulation – Responding to the Red Tape Challenge: An NAPF call for evidence
Better Workplace Pensions: Banning member-borne commission in occupational pension schemes. Consultation response
Better workplace pensions: Reducing regulatory burdens, minor regulation changes, and response to consultation on the investment regulations
Beyond pensions’ policy: The Government’s approach to lifetime savings
BIS consultation ‘Non-economic Regulators: Duty to Have Regard to Growth’ an NAPF response
BIS Discussion Paper on Transparency and Trust – an NAPF Response September 2013
BIS Select Committee Inquiry into Kay Review – an NAPF Response February 2013
Breaking down the value chain
Breaking the mirror image: harnessing talent through diversity for better pensions
Brexit and Pension Schemes: Getting the right deal for Britain’s savers - PLSA position paper
Brexit and Pension Schemes: Getting the right deal for Britain’s savers - Two-page summary brief
Budget 2012 – submission by NAPF
Budget submission 2011
Budget Submission 2016
Capping Early Exit Fees
CESR call for evidence: NAPF response
CETV calculation guidance: NAPF response to TPR consultation
Choice in the audit market: NAPF response to FRC
Closing the gender pay gap – an NAPF response
Combined Code: NAPF response to FRC call for evidence Combined Code
Completing the legislative framework for automatic enrolment: an NAPF response
Conflicts of interest: new policy proposals – an NAPF response to Actuarial profession consultation paper
Compulsory annuitisation: The NAPF response to HM Treasury’s consultation
Conflicts of interest: NAPF response to TPR consultation
Consequential amendments to the Pensions Act 2014 consultation response
Constraints on the National Employment Savings Trust (NEST) an NAPF response to DWP consultation
Consumer protection in third pillar retirement products - NAPF response July 2013
Consumer research on small pots and transfers – October 2012
Consumers in the retirement income market – NAPF response to the ABI consultation
Corporate governance in financial institutions and remuneration policies: NAPF response to the European Commission's Green Paper
Corporate governance policy updates 2010
CP0720 disclosure of contracts for difference: NAPF response to FSA consultation
CP08/21 listing regime: NAPF response to FSA consultation
CP14/11 Retirement reforms and the Guidance Guarantee – an NAPF response
CP15 40 financial services compensation scheme changes to the compensation sourcebook
CP15/30: Consultation response by the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association
CPI survey report December 2010
CPI: NAPF’s response to the DWP consultation
CPI-linked gilts NAPF response to UK Debt Management consultation
Creating a Secondary Annuity Market - NAPF Response
Cross-border success: NAPF response to DWP consultation
DB funding: A call to action
DB Taskforce - Call for Evidence
DB Taskforce Interim Report
DB Taskforce Terms of Reference
DC pensions: NAPF response to the TPR consultation
DCLG consultation on LGPS reform: opportunities for collaboration, cost, savings and efficiencies – An NAPF response
DCLG-LGA call for evidence on the future structure of the LGPS: An NAPF response
Dealing Commission: response to consultation
Dealings in derivatives and options control issues
Default Fund Design and Governance in DC Pensions
Default options in WPP and GSIPP for auto enrolment: NAPF response to DWP consultation
Defined Benefit Plans - proposed amendments to IAS 19: NAPF Response to IASB Exposure Draft ED/2010/3
Defining Ambition: Views from the industry on achieving risk sharing
Degerulation data research report No 9
Deregulation of private pensions: NAPF response to Government proposal
Derivatives and market infrastructures:NAPF response to European Commission public consultation
Derivatives regulation NAPF position paper - March 2012 revision
Derivatives regulation: NAPF Position Paper
Derivatives:A practical guide to trustees' responsibilities
Disclosure requirements: NAPF response to DWP consultation
Discussion on the use of dealing commission regime DP1403 an NAPF response
Dispute resolution - reasonable periods: NAPF response to TPR consultation
Draft guidance on clauses for the Taxation of Pensions Bill – an NAPF response
Draft Portability Directive proposal (2007)
DWP and FCA’s consultation on ‘transaction costs disclosure – improving transparency in workplace pensions’ – an NAPF response
DWP consultation - Reshaping workplace pensions for future generations – An NAPF response
DWP consultation ‘Automatic enrolment earning thresholds review and revision 2015/6’ – an NAPF response
DWP consultation ‘Better Workplace Pensions: putting savers’ interests first’ – an NAPF response
DWP consultation on ‘Better workplace pensions: further measures for savers’ – an NAPF response
DWP Consultation on Changes to the Investment Regulations following the Law Commission’s report – an NAPF response
DWP consultation on charging: a response by NAPF – December 2013
DWP consultation on Disclosure of Information Regulations 2013 and NAPF response
DWP consultation on GMP equalisation an NAPF response – April 2012
DWP consultation on revised implementation proposals an NAPF response - April 2012
DWP consultation on technical changes to automatic enrolment – an NAPF response
DWP consultation on the changing definition of “Money Purchase Benefits” – an NAPF response
DWP consultation on the Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (Disclosure of Information) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 - an NAPF response
DWP consultation on The Occupational Pension Schemes (Levies) (Amendment) Regulations – an NAPF response
DWP consultation The Transfer of Employment (Pension Protection) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 an NAPF response
DWP Select Committee told that EU rules based on Solvency II are the single biggest threat to UK DB pensions
DWP: Offering a default option for defined contribution automatic enrolment pension schemes
Early access to pension saving: NAPF response to HM Treasury call for evidence
EC Green Paper - Building a Capital Markets Union: a response by the NAPF
EC Green Paper on Corporate Governance: NAPF response - July 2011
EC Green Paper on Long Term Finance – an NAPF response - June 2013
EC LTSI Consultation Response
EC Pensions Green Paper, NAPF's response, November 2010
EEA states: NAPF response to DWP consultation
Effects of using International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in the EU: public consultation – an NAPF response
EFRP joint statement on Solvency II
EIOPA CP-14/040 Consultation Paper on Further Work on Solvency of IORPs
EIOPA DP on single market in personal - NAPF response
EIOPA on IORP tranche 1 - NAPF response
EIOPA Quantitative Impact Study ('QIS') – An NAPF response
EIOPA review of the IORP Directive: An NAPF response
Employer Asset-backed Pension Contributions: NAPF response to HMRC/HMT consultation
Employer debt and Section 75: NAPF response to DWP consultation
Employer requirement to consult: NAPF response to DWP consultation
Employer requirement to consult: NAPF response to DWP consultation_1
Employers and 2012 auto-enrolment March 2012
Enabling good member outcomes in work-based pension provision: a response by the NAPF
Enhancing the effectiveness of the listing regime – NAPF response - February 2014
Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) Made Simple
ESA joint discussion paper risk mitigation measures NAPF response - March 2012
ESG risk in default funds: analysis of the UK’s DC pension market
ESMA proxy advisors consultation: NAPF response – June 2012
EU Reform of The Audit Market NAPF Position Paper
European Commission consultation on Gender imbalance in corporate boards an NAPF response - May 2012
European Market Infrastructure Regulation text
Exceptional times, exceptional measures: economic developments and the impact on pension schemes and members – March 2012
Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) made simple
Exchange Traded Funds Made Simple guide
Executive contracts and severance - ABI NAPF joint statement Feb 2008
Executive Remuneration: An NAPF response to a BIS consultation
Exposure draft guidance statement on performance examinations - UKIPC response to GIPS consultation
FACTA regulations: NAPF response to an IRS consultation
Factor Investing 2017 Made Simple
FCA asset management industry market study: PLSA response
FCA consultation CP14/21 – Dec 2014on Sponsor conflicts – an NAPF response
FCA consultation on MIFID II the PLSA response January 2017
FCA consultation on proposed rules for independent governance committees – an NAPF response
FCA consultation on the use of dealing commission rules – an NAPF response (February 2014)
FCA consultation: changes to DB transfer rules – an NAPF response April 2015
FCA Interim Report on Retirement Income Market Study – an NAPF response
FCA market study consultation: competition in at-retirement market - an NAPF response
Fiduciary Duties a review by the Law Commission – an NAPF response January 2014
Finance Directors - the New Centres of Influence
Finance directors and pensions: A view from the boardroom
Financial Advice Market Review: Call For Input
Financial capability: NAPF response
Financial regulation: NAPF response to HM Treasury consultation
Financial reporting of pensions: Response to ASB proposals
Financial reports of pension schemes: NAPF response to PRAG discussion paper
Financial statement presentation: NAPF response to IASB discussion paper
Fit for the future: NAPF's vision for pensions
Flexible retirement and age equality regulations 2009: NAPF response to DWP consultation
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)
Foundation pension: PPI evaluation of NAPF proposals
FRC consultation on risk management, internal control and the going concern basis of accounting – an NAPF response
FRC levy proposals: NAPF response to FRC consultation 2007/8
FSA consultation CP12/25 ‘Enhancing the effectiveness of the Listing Regime’ – An NAPF response
Future of Financial Reporting, an NAPF Response to an ABS consultation
Future of Narrative Reporting: An NAPF response to a BIS consultation
Future of public sector pension schemes: NAPF response to IPSPC
GAD review of CO rebates: NAPF response
Gender diversity on boards - NAPF response to FRC consultation
Gender pay gap consultation response
Generating income from private markets Made Simple guide
Getting Personal: Excellent DC pensions communications from around the world
Gilts: NAPF response to DMO consultation
GIPS ED Guidance Statement Private Equity: UKIPC response
GIPS Exposure Draft Guidance Statement on Real Estate: UKIPC response
GIPS Exposure Draft Guidance Statement on Verification: UKIPC response
Global investment performance standards 2006
Global investment performance standards 2010
GMP conversion: NAPF response to DWP consultation
Good Quality Data for Local Authorities 2017 Made Simple
Governance Consultation Response
Governance of work-based pension schemes: NAPF response to the TPR discussion paper
Pension sharing charges: Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association guidance
Guide to Responsible Investment reporting in Public Equity Published
Happiness in retirement survey
Harmonisation of solvency rules for IORPS: NAPF response to European Commission
Hedge Fund Standards: NAPF response to HFWG consultation
Hermes EOS & NAPF - Pay Principles
HM Treasury review of the balance of competences: Single Market financial services and the free movement of capital – an NAPF response Jan 2014
HMT & HMRC - Employer Asset-backed Pension Contributions
HMT consultation on ‘Freedom and choice in pensions’ – an NAPF response
How the Regulator will regulate the funding of defined benefits
HR managers views on pensions
IAASB Invitation to comment – Improving the Auditor’s Report – NAPF response
IFRS 8 operating segments: NAPF response
IFS Report - Expectations and experience of retirement in Defined Contribution pensions: a study of older people in England
Impact of the combined code: NAPF response to the FRC review
Improving transfers and dealing with small pension pots
Incentive Exercises Code
Incentive exercises for pensions a code of good practice - June 2012
Inclusion of investment risk as risk factor in the risk based levy: response to consultation
Indices and Benchmarks 2017 Made Simple
Inherited estates: NAPF response to HMRC consultation
Institutional investment in the UK six years on
Institutional investment in the UK six years on - report and recommendations
Internal dispute resolution procedures amendments – NAPF response to DWP consultation
Investment entities listing review: FSA consultation
Investment Governance Group: Looking after your DC plan
Investment Governance Group: Responses to consultation on DC investment governace
Investment Governance Group: Responses to consultation on DC investment governace_1
Investment Insight 6: ABC
Investment Insight: China - Miracle or Normalisation?
Investment Insight: Counterparty risk
Investment Insight: How Global Regulation affects UK Pension Fund investments
Investment Insight: Jargon busting the latest ‘hot’ investment strategies
Investment Insight: Secondary Property
Investment Insight: Social Housing
Investment Insights: Equities vs Bonds
Investment: NAPF response to PADA consultation
Investor Working Group on Collective Engagement - July 2013
ISC framework on voting disclosure
ISC paper: Improving institutional investors' role in governance
ISC Statement of_Principles 2007
Joint letter to the Financial Times on ‘pot follows member’
Kay Review - NAPF response
Lambert Banking Standards Review: an NAPF response March 2014
Law Commission document on Fiduciary Duties of Investment Intermediaries
Law Commission review of Fiduciary Duties of Investment Intermediaries an NAPF preliminary Response
Letter to FSA on permitted links rules
Letter to FTSE350 - Pension funds call on companies to show pay restraint
Letter to the FCA on the Retirement Outcomes Review
Levies: NAPF response to DWP consultation
LGPS 2014 and 2008 scheme amending regulations consultation: Part A: LGPS regulations 2013 – An NAPF response
LGPS governance discussion paper: the NAPF’s response
LGPS governance regulations consultation 2014 – an NAPF response
LGPS investment regs 2016
Lifetime allowance: NAPF response to HMRC consultation
Lifting the lid on DC pensions - research event 30 Nov 2012
Local Government Pension Scheme – Investment in partnerships consultation: An NAPF response
Local Government Pension Scheme 2013: Investing in a changing world: An NAPF report
Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations 2016
TreLocal Government Pension Scheme: Chair Speech - July 2013
Longterm future of the levy: NAPF response to a PPF consultation
Making auto enrolment work: NAPF submission to Government review of 2012 reforms
Making pension charges clearer November 2011
Manditory independent verification of investment performance: Why it matters
Mortalilty assumptions: NAPF response to TPR consultation
Manifesto - Priorities for pensions
Minimum quality standards - NAPF response
Mitchells & Butlers: A joint statement by the ABI and NAPF
More savers more saving
Mortality assumptions: NAPF response to BAS
Myners Principles: NAPF response to HMT consultation
NAPF Budget Submission 2014
NAPF contribution to the Walker review of corporate governance of the UK banking system - June 2009
NAPF contributions to the Paul Thornton review of institutions
NAPF Engagement Survey
NAPF Engagement Survey 2013
NAPF position statement on the T Charter
NAPF response to EIOPA consultation Paper on Further Work on Solvency of IORPs
NAPF response to EIOPA sponsor support
Pensions and Growth - NAPF response to the DWP Call for Evidence
NAPF response to the Independent Review of Retirement Income
NAPF Responsible Investment guide 2013
NAPF Stewardship Policy 2012
NAPF workplace pensions survey – March 2012
NAPF workplace pensions survey – October 2012
NAPF workplace pensions survey – October 2013
NAPF workplace pensions survey – Spring 2013
NAPF, CBI, TUC letter to Steve Webb
Navigating entry into the LGPS: for local government contractors
New draft DC code of practice consultation
New IORP Directive clause by clause
New rules for pension saving made simple 1 - What are the new rules?
New rules for pension saving made simple - 2. What do I need to think about?
New rules for pension saving made simple - 3. What are my pension scheme options?
New rules for pension saving made simple - 4. Will I need to change how I do things?
New rules for pension saving made simple - 5. What do I need to tell my employees?
New rules for pension saving made simple - 6. Things to look out for
Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes and the Pension Protection Fund (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2016 and Call for Evidence on the Valuation of Pensions with a Guaranteed Annuity Rate
Occupational Pension Schemes – abolition of defined benefit contracting-out.: A consultation on draft regulations – An NAPF response
Occupational pension schemes (Contracting out and modification of schemes) (Amendment) regulations DWP consultation an NAPF response – November 2011
Offering a default option for defined contribution automatic enrolment pension schemes: a NAPF response to the DWP consultation
Office of National Statistics options for improving the Retail Prices Index consultation – An NAPF response
OFT: Defined Contribution workplace pension market study: NAPF response
ONS consultation on consumer price indices – An NAPF response
Operating and Financial Review Statement
Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards: NAPF response – August 2012
Pension Freedoms: no more normal
Pension funds and the ISC Code - A practical guide
Pension funds engagement with companies 2006
Pension funds' engagement with companies survey 2007
Pension funds' engagement with companies survey 2009
Pensions funds' engagement with companies survey 2010
Pension fund's engagement with investee companies - 2011 NAPF engagement survey
Pension funds’ engagement with investee companies - NAPF Engagement Survey
Pension Protection Levy 2014-15 – NAPF response
Pension provision and the economic crisis
Pension scams: PLSA response to Government consultation
Pension sharing regulations 2008: NAPF response to DWP consultation 2008
Pension tax relief mitigation: NAPF response to HMT HMRC discussion document
Pension transfers and early exit charges
Pensions Bill briefing: Second Reading
Pensions Charges Made Clear: Joint Industry Code of Conduct – telling employers about DC pension charges
Pensions regulation compared
Pensions regulation compared: Key findings
Pensions Tax Relief – Individual Protection from the Lifetime Allowance Charge. NAPF response
Pensions tax relief: NAPF response to HMT HMRC consultation
Pensions tax relief: NAPF response to HMT/HMRT consultation
Pensions workplace survey 2011 - findings summary
Permitted links rules: NAPF response to FSA consultation
Personal Accounts charging structure: NAPF response to PADA consultation
Personal Accounts decumulation: NAPF response to PADA consultation
Phasing out the Default Retirement Age: NAPF response to BIS consultation
PLSA Lifetime ISA Consultation Response
PLSA responds to FCA provisional view on Undertakings in Lieu of a market investigation reference of investment consultancy services
PLSA responds to FCA Transaction cost disclosure in workplace pensions CP16/30
PLSA responds to investment association consultation on disclosure of charges and transaction costs
PLSA responds to law commission consultation on pension funds and social investment
PLSA statement in support of the stewardship code
PLSA writes to FTSE 350 on culture and working practices
Portability of supplementary pensions: Directive 2005. A joint response with EEFC, BIand, and ABI
PPF levy 2010-11: NAPF response to PPF consultation
PPF levy: NAPF comments on a steering group paper
PPF modification amendments 2016
PRA and FCA consultation - Strengthening the alignment of risk and reward: the new remuneration rules – an NAPF response
PRA clawback consultation: cp6-14 – an NAPF response
Pre-budget report 2009
Promoting audit quality: A discussion paper from the FRC
Proposed abolition of the rules governing substantial acquisition of shares
Proposed amendments to the Listing Rules in relation to sponsor competence – NAPF response - April 2014
Provision of death data: NAPF response to General Registries consultation
Public Financial Guidance Proposal for Consultation
Public Financial Guidance: A response by the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association
Public sector pension contributions: NAPF’s response to HMT consultation
Quantitative Easing: the pension scheme perspective
Quantitative Impact Study (QIS) methodology: NAPF response to EIOPA consultation
Quizzing Fund Managers
Record keeping: NAPF response to TPR consultation
Reforming remuneration practices in financial services: NAPF response to FSA consultation
Regulatory differences between occupational and workplace personal pensions: A NAPF response to a DWP consultation
Remit flexibility: A Debt Management Office consultation document
Remuneration principles for building and reinforcing long-term business success
Remuneration Reporting Regulations: NAPF response to BIS consultation
Report of the Collective Engagement Working Group – Dec 2013
Representation on the proposed Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive)
Response British Steel Pension Scheme
Response consultation on changes to ONS products 2015
Response Technical changes to automatic enrolment 2016
Response to consultation on contracting out legislation and GMP conversion method
Responsible investment guide March 2009
Restricting pensions tax relief through existing allowances: HM Treasury response to the consultation on draft legislation
Restriction of pensions tax relief - pension scheme & employer obligations
Retirement Income Adequacy: Generation by Generation
Retirement Income Adequacy: Generation by Generation. Appendix Methodology
Revised clearance guidance: An NAPF response to TPR consultation
Revised GIPS standards
Revised OECD principles on corporate governance – an NAPF response
Revision of the Shareholder Rights Directive – an NAPF briefing
Revitalising pensions: NAPF Budget submission June 2010
Risk sharing: NAPF response to DWP consultation
SAM-FCA rules and guidance
Scheme order and rules: NAPF response to PADA/DWP consultation
Scottish independence: the implications for pensions
Second PPF Levy Triennium - NAPF response
Second submission to the DWP deregulatory review of private pensions
Section 75 Employer Debt in Non-Associated Multi-Employer Defined Benefit Pension Schemes: NAPF response to DWP call for evidence
Section 75 employer debt rules – NAPF welcomes reform
Section 75: NAPF response to DWP informal consultation
Securities in retirement towards a new pensions system: NAPF response to Pensions White Paper
Securities lititgation: questions for trustees
Security and sustainability in defined benefit schemes: consultation response by the PLSA
Shareholders right: NAPF Response to BERR consultation
Short selling: NAPF tesponse to FSA discussion paper
Small pots, big opportunities? – NAPF event 17th May 2012
Spotlight on Pensions – NAPF’s response to the Government’s Red Tape Challenge
State Pension Age Review PLSA Response
Statement of Support of the Stewardship Code
Stewardship Code guidance for investors
Stewardship Code: NAPF response to FRC consultation
Stewardship Disclosure Framework – a report on progress (March 2014)
Stewardship Survey 2016
Strengthening the incentive to save. A consultation response on tax relief
Submission to House of Lords Economic Affairs Sub-Committee on 2009 Finance Bill
Supporting DC savers at retirement: an analysis of the advice and brokerage market
Takeover panels' derivatives and options regime: response to consultation
Telling Employers about DC Pension Charges: Research Conducted by IFF for NAPF and B&CE
Telling people about DC pension charges
The advice requirement and overseas transfers
The case for an Independent Retirement Savings Commission
The Case for Consolidation
The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) consultation on - FRED 55, Pensions accounting in the UK: an NAPF response
The Future of Financial Reporting - a NAPF Response to an ABS consultation
The Future of Narrative Reporting: NAPF response to the BIS consultation
The future of public sector pensions schemes: NAPF submission oto IPSPC's final call for evidence
The Local Government Pension Scheme (Amendment) (Governance) Regulations 2014 Consultation – an NAPF response
The Longevity Model
The NAPF Guide to Investment Management Agreements – March 2015
The NAPF Longevity Model - November 2014
The NAPF’s Manifesto, Pension Possibilities
The Occupational Pension Schemes (Miscellaneous Amendments No. 2) Regulations 2013 Consultation: NAPF Response
The ocupational and personal pension scheme regulations 2017
The Pension Protection Levy: a New Framework - NAPF Response to a PPF consultation paper
The Pension Regulator’s consultation on its DB Transfers Guidance – an NAPF response
The pension trustee’s Brexit to-do list
The Pensions Regulator consultation on regulating public service pension schemes – an NAPF response
The Pensions Regulator’s maintaining contributions consultation – an NAPF response
Thoresen Interim Report: NAPF response
Thoresen review: NAPF response
TKU: NAPF response to TPR consultation
TPR code of practice DC consultation – an NAPF response – March 2013
TPR consultation on AE scheme list – an NAPF response
TPR consultation on Compliance and enforcement policy for public service pension schemes – an NAPF response
TPR consultation on Regulating defined benefit pension schemes – an NAPF response
TPR powers: NAPF response to DWP
Treating DC scheme members fairly in retirement research report
Trends in defined benefit asset allocation: the changing shape of UK pension investment – An NAPF research paper –July 2013
Triennial review of pensions bodies: call for evidence – an NAPF response
UK Competition Commission Audit Services Market Investigation Preliminary Findings – an NAPF Response March 2013
UK Competition Commission Audit Services Market Investigation Provisional Decision On Remedies – NAPF Response August 2013
UKIPC constitution and operation updated April 2009
UKIPC Response to Alternatives Guidance Statement
UN PRI consultation response
Understanding engagement and transparency an Ipsos Mori report on behalf of the NAPF September 2011
Understanding Retirement Wave 2: Interim Report
Understanding Retirement: An NAPF Research Programme
Understanding the worth of the workforce – a stewardship toolkit for pension funds
Valuing pensions for the advice requirement and introducing new consumer protections
Walker review: NAPF response
Walker Working Group: NAPF response to consultation
What do pension scheme members expect of how their savings are invested? – An NAPF research report
When should the state pension age increase to 66?: NAPF response to call to evidence
Where is the workforce in corporate reporting? An NAPF discussion paper
Winding up: NAPF response to TPR/PPF/DWP consultation
Workplace pension reform - completing the picture: NAPF response to DWP consultation
Workplace pension survey 2009
Workplace Pensions Survey – May 2014
Workplace pensions survey 2010
Workplace Pensions Survey an NAPF survey October 2012
Workplace Retirement Income Commission call for evidence
Workplace Retirement Income Commission final report
WRIC Ipsos MORI focus group report
Good Governance - How to get there
Consultation on changes to levy methodology for the 2021/22
PLSA’s Response to TPR’s Corporate Strategy
International sustainability standard and board: PLSA response to IFRS Foundation consultation
UK listings review call for evidence: PLSA response
The occupational and personal pension schemes (general levy) regulations review 2020 public consultation: PLSA response
Mccloud Northern Ireland amendments to the statutory underpin PLSA response
Five principles for pension taxation
PLSA Stewardship & Voting Guidelines
Taking action on climate risk consultation: PLSA Response
incorporating performance fees within the charge cap: plsa response to dwp consultation
Increasing the normal minimum pension age: consultation on implementation: PLSA Response
Approach to the investigation and prosecution of the new criminal offences
Mandatory climate-related financial disclosures response
Work and Pensions Select Committee - Five Years on from the Pension Freedoms
TPR single code of practice: PLSA response
Consideration of social risks and opportunities by occupational pension schemes
A Changing Climate: Update
Responsible Investment Quality Mark: Consultation on Standards
Net Zero: Top Tips for Pension Scheme Trustees
Pensions Dashboards Programme call for input on staging: PLSA response
TPR’s Consultation on the Code of Practice (CoP) 12: Contribution Notices
Pension tax reforms: Implications for savers
DWP permitted charges within Defined Contribution pension schemes: PLSA response
Proposed Guidance on Climate-related Metrics, Targets, and Transition Plans
Future of the Defined Contribution Pension Market: The case for greater consolidation
TPR FCA Joint Call for Input on Pension Consumer Journey: PLSA response
Guidance on governance and reporting of climate-related risks and opportunities new appendix
Occupational Pension Schemes Regulations 2021 PLSA response
DCMS Sub-Committee on online harms and disinformation inquiry: PLSA Response
DWP Stronger Nudge to pensions guidance: PLSA Response
FCA Enhancing climate-related disclosures PLSA response
An employer’s guide to talking about workplace pensions
FCA Primary Markets Effectiveness Review
Small pots cross-industry co-ordination group: update report
Towards a Greener Future
Long Term Asset Funds (LTAF) Made Simple
Driving Value for Money in Defined Contribution Pensions
Review of the Fraud Compensation Levy Ceiling
ESG Made Simple 2021
Cost Transparency Made Simple
Pensions Dashboards A-Z
TPR consultation: New enforcement policies: PLSA response
Climate and Investment Reporting: Setting Expectations and Empowering Savers
Enabling investment in productive finance: PLSA Response
Carbon Emissions Template
WPSC Call for Evidence: Saving for later life – PLSA response
Millennials research
Talent Management in the LGPS: The Three Rs
How do companies report on their most important asset
DWP consultation on draft Pensions Dashboards regulations: PLSA response
TPR CDC code consultation: PLSA submission
Pensions Dashboards Scheme Checklist
Pensions Dashboards: are you ready to connect, compare and convey
FCA Consultation on Pensions Dashboards CP22/3: PLSA Response
Additional clarity on HMRC’s GMP equalisation guidance on tax treatment
Strengthening the Pensions Regulator’s powers: Notifiable events (amendments) regulations 2021
Natural Capital Made Simple
Proposed revisions to ASTM1: PLSA response
Facilitating investment in illiquid assets by defined contribution pension schemes
Second State Pension age Review: PLSA Response
Defined Benefit De-risking Made Simple
Building on the Pension Freedoms: Guided Retirement Income Choices
The Local Government Pension Scheme: today’s challenges, tomorrow’s opportunities
Retirement choices: the evolution of products and support
TPR Enforcement and prosecution policies consultation: PLSA response
Small pots cross industry co-ordination group: Spring 2022 report
Investment relationships for sustainable value creation
Cyber Risk Made Simple
Treasury Committee Call for Evidence: The Venture Capital Market
Own Risk Assessments Made Simple
Pensions Dashboards Further Consultation: PLSA Response
Helping savers understand their pension choices
International Sustainability Standards Board Sustainability Disclosure Drafts Consultation
Dashboards Standards Consultation: PLSA response
Securities Litigation Made Simple
Guides on the key considerations around investing in less liquid assets
Five steps to better pensions: time for a new consensus
A research report supplement to Five Steps to Better Pensions
Draft occupational pension schemes (funding and investment strategy and amendment) regulations 2023: PLSA response
2023/24 Pension Protection Fund (PPF) levy consultation - PLSA response
Broadening the investment opportunities of DC pension schemes - PLSA submission to a DWP Consultation
Investing in less liquid assets – key considerations
LGPS Governance and reporting of climate change risks
Worthwhile Workforce Reporting Dec 2022
Work and Pensions Committee Inquiry into DB pensions with LDIs
2023 Budget Submission
Proposed regulatory framework for pensions dashboard service firms
Pension dashboards programme design standards consultation
TPR Dashboards compliance and enforcement policy consultation
PLSA Draft DB Funding Code Response March 2023
Extending Opportunities for Collective Defined Contribution Pension Schemes: PLSA response
Value for money: a framework on metrics, standards and disclosures: PLSA response
Addressing the challenge of deferred small pots: a call for evidence
Perceptions of the CTI framework
Lessons from LDI for scheme governance and risk management models
WPSC inquiry into Defined Benefit DB schemes PLSA response
Long-term Investment for Technology and Science (LIFTS) Initiative: PLSA Response
Investment Companies Made Simple
Updating and Improving the UK Regime for Asset Management: PLSA response to the FCA Discussion Paper
Supporting savers through the cost-of-living crisis
Helping with the cost of living
Long road to buyout: how to make the right investment choices
Pensions and growth a paper by the PLSA on supporting pension investment in UK growth
LGPS Regulatory Mapping
Proposed Equity Listing Rule Reforms: PLSA response to FCA consultation
LGPS views from inside the scheme
Uncovering the profile of very low earners in the UK 2023
Helping Savers Understand their Pension Choices 2023
Ending the Proliferation of deferred Small Pots
Pension Trustee Skills Capability and Culture
Options for Defined Benefit Schemes
Abolition of the Lifetime Allowance: PLSA response to HMRC consultation
LGPS: next steps on investments
Five Steps to Better Pensions: Final Report
Buy-in or buy-out Made Simple
PLSA at 100: The past, present and future
PLSA Autumn Statement Representation 2023
Better Pensions Charter
PLSA policy position on pensions and growth October 2023
Technical amendments to the Pension Protection Fund and Fraud Compensation Fund regulations
2024/25 PPF Levy Consultation: PLSA response
Work and Pensions Committee inquiry: Norton pension schemes and the fraud compensation fund: PLSA response
The Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (General Levy) Regulations Review 2023 Public Consultation: PLSA Response
Pension Scheme Investments in Illiquids Case Studies from the Pensions Sector
The role of Collective Defined Contribution in decumulation
Diversity and inclusion in the financial sector – working together to drive change – PLSA response to FCA Consultation CP23/20
Pension fund clearing exemption – PLSA response to HMT call for evidence
Modern leasehold: restricting ground rent for existing leases
Looking to the future: greater member security and rebalancing risk
Secure Income Made Simple
Four measures to boost UK growth through greater pension investment: PLSA ABI statement
Putting the spotlight on social factors - best practise case studies
Advice guidance boundary review – proposals for closing the advice gap: PLSA response
Consultation Paper CP23-31-Primary Markets Effectiveness Review
TPR statement of strategy consultation
Options for DB schemes DWP consultation
Discretionary Benefits Survey Results
Further consultation on the regulatory framework for pensions dashboard service firms PLSA response to FCA consultation paper CP24-4
Further consultation on the regulatory framework for pensions dashboard service firms - PLSA response to FCA consultation paper CP24-4
Defined benefit consolidation survey results
Pension Priorities for the First 100 Days of a New Government
Payment Optionality for Investment Research: PLSA response to FCA Consultation Paper 24/7
A quick introduction to the Local Government Pension Scheme
Pensions and Growth Creating a Pipeline of Investable UK Opportunities
2024 Autumn Budget Spending Review Representation
DC scheme guidance on retirement arrangements and partnerships
Private Markets Portfolio Construction Made Simple
Pensions Review - PLSA response to call for evidence
Pensions and Growth: using investment and fiscal incentives to encourage the flow of pension investment into UK assets
CP24-16 VFM response
2025-26 Pension Protection Fund PPF Levy Consultation PLSA response
CDC multi-employer draft regulations: PLSA response
Invest 2035: The UK’s Modern Industrial Strategy PLSA response
Pensions industry welcomes Mansion House reforms
Nature’s Impact
Pensioner Poverty, Challenges and Mitigations
Local Government Pension Scheme (England and Wales): Fit for the futureLocal Government Pension Scheme (England and Wales): Fit for the future
Pensions Investment Review: Unlocking the UK pensions market for growth
Inheritance tax on pensions: liability reporting and payment: The PLSA’s response to HMRC’s consultation
Is the Lifetime ISA fit for purpose in 2025?
Lorem ipsum dolor.
Download in the member area
New policy document
Improving Outcomes for Members of DC Schemes
McCloud Scotland: Amendments to underpin
Pensions Tax Relief Administration: CFE response
A changing climate
DC Decumulation: Final Recommendations
Taking action on climate risk PLSA response
Facing the future 2020
MHCLG Amendments to the statutory underpin
Protecting Pension Savers CFE: PLSA response
Tax after coronavirus CFE: PLSA response
DB funding code response
Data Standards: Call for Input – PLSA Response
Climate Indexes Made Simple
Default Charge Cap and Standardised CostDisclosure
Reform to Retail Prices Index Methodology
Implementation Statement guidance for trustees
DC Decumulation Call for Evidence
Engaging the engagers: A practical toolkit
GMP equalisation Made Simple
DC Chairs Statement Drafting Template
Covid-19 survey results
Covid 19: Top tips for Savers
Decarbonisation of UK Economy and Green Finance
Covid 19: Top tips for DC schemes
Covid 19: Top tips for DB schemes and LGPS funds
Gold Investment Made Simple
Diversity & Inclusion Made Simple
DB Funding Code Consultation Briefing
PPF Insolvency Scoring Methodology 2020/21 resp
PLSA Budget Representation February 2020
PLSA 2019 AGM Voting Review
Simpler Annual Benefit Statements Consultation
what plsa members want from us
Pension Scheme General Levy Review
Law Commission Intermediated Securities Response
Building an environment of trust in pensions
PLSA Pensions Manifesto 2019
PPF Levy Consultation 2020/21: PLSA response
Response to FCA consultation on transfer advice
Defined Benefit De-risking Made Simple 2019
Indices and Benchmarks Made Simple 2019
Cashflow Driven Investment CDI Made Simple
TPR future of trusteeship and governance
Local valuation cycle changes and risk management
BEIS consultation – CMA statutory audit remedies
TPR CMA investment consultants remedies
DWP Consultation on delivering the CMA Final Order
ESG Made Simple 2019
Intergenerational Differences PLSA FCA DP19 2
IGC Extension of Remit CP19 15
Money and Pensions Service Listening Document
Responsible Investment Guide 2019
Retirement Outcomes Review: Investment pathways
Diversity from an Investor’s Perspective 2019
PPF Levy Consultation 2019/20: PLSA response
LGPS Fair Deal - strengthening pension protection
FRC Stewardship Code consultation: PLSA response
Investment innovation and future consolidation
Hidden Talent 2: Has workforce reporting improved
CMA Remedies Order 2019: PLSA response
Patient Capital Made Simple
Multi Strategy Alternative Credit Made Simple
Consolidation of defined benefit pension schemes
2019 Corporate Governance Policy and Voting Guide
PLSA 2018 AGM Voting Review
Pensions dashboard
Delivering Collective Defined Contribution Pension
Ethnicity pay reporting consultation PLSA response
Patient capital and illiquid investment
CMA market study – statutory audit – PLSA response
Simpler annual pension statement
Bulk Annuities Made Simple
Currency: Risk and Return Made Simple
Master Trusts Made Simple
CMA investment consultants market investigation
Supervision & Enforcement Policy for master trusts
Protecting DB schemes – a stronger Regulator
Ban on cold calling in relation to pensions
Kingman review of the FRC – PLSA response
ROR: Proposed changes to our rules and guidance
Briefing on CMA investigation provisional decision
Clarifying trustees investment duties
Hitting the Target: Consultation responses
Hitting The Target - final recommendations
Hitting The Target: A Vision for Retirement Income
Combating Pension Scams – a Code of Good Practice
Insolvency and corporate governance: PLSA response
PLSA response to FCA consultation paper CP18/7
Work and Pensions Select Committee: PLSA response
CMA Working Paper 4 – Trustee engagement
CMA Working Paper 3 – conflicts of interest
CMA Working Paper 2 - PLSA response
DB White Paper – Member Briefing
CMA Working Paper 1
Response to the FRC consultation on the CG code
Impact Investing Made Simple
PLSA AGM review 2017
Decumulation decisions: pension freedoms journeys
Disclosure of costs, charges and investments
MIFID II – top five actions for pension schemes
More light less heat
Hidden talent. An analysis of the FTSE 100
PLSA response to PPF third triennium consultation
Diversity from an Investor’s Perspective
Good quality data for the private sector Made Simple
Integrated risk management Made Simple
Fiduciary management Made Simple
PLSA response to CMA Issues Statement
Hitting the target: delivering better retirement
Response to FCA premium listing category proposal
PLSA response to FCA asset management market study
DB Taskforce 3rd report - Opportunities for Change
PLSA Stewardship Survey 2017
Advising on pension transfers
FCA Retirement Outcomes Review - PLSA response
FCA Provisional view on undertakings in lieu
General Data Protection Regulation Made Simple
ICAEW consultation on Assurance Reporting on Master Trusts – an NAPF response
Margin requirements for non-centrally cleared derivatives: a response by NAPF
MiFID II/MIFIR Consultation Paper – dealing commission payments for investment research – an NAPF response
NAPF submission to the Treasury Select Committee inquiry: Quantitative Easing
‘Closing the gap’ a PPI report commissioned by the NAPF
0569 Consultation response Financial reporting Council Draft Strategy 2016
2013 NAPF AGM Report
2014 NAPF AGM Report
2015 NAPF AGM Report
2017 Review of Automatic Enrolment: PLSA response
2017/18 PPF levy consultation
A Budget for pensions: NAPF submission to HM Treasury on 2010 Budget_page title
A guide for employers participating in the LGPS: best practice
A levy rule for schemes without a substantive sponsor
A long-term focus for corporate Britain: NAPF response
A new statutory objective for The Pensions Regulator – An NAPF response to the DWP Call for Evidence
A state pension for the 21st century: a response by the NAPF
Abandonment of defined benefit pension schemes: NAPF response to TPR consultation
ABI’s annuity rate transparency consultation – an NAPF response
Abolition of Contracting Out on a DC Basis: The NAPF Submission to the Government’s consultation
Abolition of contracting out: response to consultation on statutory override for Protected Persons
Abolition of defined contribution contracting out: response to consultation
Accounting for Pensions
Age regulations amendment: NAPF repsonse to consultation
AGM Report 2016
All change
An Ageing Population and Financial Services: a response by the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association
An assessment of the Governments options for state pension reform: PPI/NAPF
An introduction to the LGPS for scheduled bodies
Annual Report and Accounts for 2015
Annual report and Accounts for 2016
Application of the material detriment test: NAPF response to TPR consultation
Approaches to the calculation of pension transfer values: NAPF response to consultation
Assessing Good Value for Members: A Good Practice Guide
Association of Pensions Lawyers proposal for VAT recovery – an NAPF response
Attitude to ownership report 2014
Audit firm governance: NAPF response to consultation
Audit firms providing non-audit services: NAPF response to APB consultation
Auditor liability limitation
Auto enrolment: NAPF response to DWP consultation
Automatic Enrolment Earnings Thresholds Review and Revision 2012-2013 NAPF response to DWP consultation
Automatic enrolment earnings thresholds review and revision 2013-14 an NAPF response
Automatic enrolment one year on
Autumn Statement submission 2012: Building better pensions
BEIS corporate governance reform green paper: PLSA response
BEIS Select Committee inquiry on Corporate Governance: PLSA response
Benefit equalisation for GMP: NAPF response to PPF consultation
Better Regulation – Responding to the Red Tape Challenge: An NAPF call for evidence
Better Workplace Pensions: Banning member-borne commission in occupational pension schemes. Consultation response
Better workplace pensions: Reducing regulatory burdens, minor regulation changes, and response to consultation on the investment regulations
Beyond pensions’ policy: The Government’s approach to lifetime savings
BIS consultation ‘Non-economic Regulators: Duty to Have Regard to Growth’ an NAPF response
BIS Discussion Paper on Transparency and Trust – an NAPF Response September 2013
BIS Select Committee Inquiry into Kay Review – an NAPF Response February 2013
Breaking down the value chain
Breaking the mirror image: harnessing talent through diversity for better pensions
Brexit and Pension Schemes: Getting the right deal for Britain’s savers - PLSA position paper
Brexit and Pension Schemes: Getting the right deal for Britain’s savers - Two-page summary brief
Budget 2012 – submission by NAPF
Budget submission 2011
Budget Submission 2016
Capping Early Exit Fees
CESR call for evidence: NAPF response
CETV calculation guidance: NAPF response to TPR consultation
Choice in the audit market: NAPF response to FRC
Closing the gender pay gap – an NAPF response
Combined Code: NAPF response to FRC call for evidence Combined Code
Completing the legislative framework for automatic enrolment: an NAPF response
Conflicts of interest: new policy proposals – an NAPF response to Actuarial profession consultation paper
Compulsory annuitisation: The NAPF response to HM Treasury’s consultation
Conflicts of interest: NAPF response to TPR consultation
Consequential amendments to the Pensions Act 2014 consultation response
Constraints on the National Employment Savings Trust (NEST) an NAPF response to DWP consultation
Consumer protection in third pillar retirement products - NAPF response July 2013
Consumer research on small pots and transfers – October 2012
Consumers in the retirement income market – NAPF response to the ABI consultation
Corporate governance in financial institutions and remuneration policies: NAPF response to the European Commission's Green Paper
Corporate governance policy updates 2010
CP0720 disclosure of contracts for difference: NAPF response to FSA consultation
CP08/21 listing regime: NAPF response to FSA consultation
CP14/11 Retirement reforms and the Guidance Guarantee – an NAPF response
CP15 40 financial services compensation scheme changes to the compensation sourcebook
CP15/30: Consultation response by the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association
CPI survey report December 2010
CPI: NAPF’s response to the DWP consultation
CPI-linked gilts NAPF response to UK Debt Management consultation
Creating a Secondary Annuity Market - NAPF Response
Cross-border success: NAPF response to DWP consultation
DB funding: A call to action
DB Taskforce - Call for Evidence
DB Taskforce Interim Report
DB Taskforce Terms of Reference
DC pensions: NAPF response to the TPR consultation
DCLG consultation on LGPS reform: opportunities for collaboration, cost, savings and efficiencies – An NAPF response
DCLG-LGA call for evidence on the future structure of the LGPS: An NAPF response
Dealing Commission: response to consultation
Dealings in derivatives and options control issues
Default Fund Design and Governance in DC Pensions
Default options in WPP and GSIPP for auto enrolment: NAPF response to DWP consultation
Defined Benefit Plans - proposed amendments to IAS 19: NAPF Response to IASB Exposure Draft ED/2010/3
Defining Ambition: Views from the industry on achieving risk sharing
Degerulation data research report No 9
Deregulation of private pensions: NAPF response to Government proposal
Derivatives and market infrastructures:NAPF response to European Commission public consultation
Derivatives regulation NAPF position paper - March 2012 revision
Derivatives regulation: NAPF Position Paper
Derivatives:A practical guide to trustees' responsibilities
Disclosure requirements: NAPF response to DWP consultation
Discussion on the use of dealing commission regime DP1403 an NAPF response
Dispute resolution - reasonable periods: NAPF response to TPR consultation
Draft guidance on clauses for the Taxation of Pensions Bill – an NAPF response
Draft Portability Directive proposal (2007)
DWP and FCA’s consultation on ‘transaction costs disclosure – improving transparency in workplace pensions’ – an NAPF response
DWP consultation - Reshaping workplace pensions for future generations – An NAPF response
DWP consultation ‘Automatic enrolment earning thresholds review and revision 2015/6’ – an NAPF response
DWP consultation ‘Better Workplace Pensions: putting savers’ interests first’ – an NAPF response
DWP consultation on ‘Better workplace pensions: further measures for savers’ – an NAPF response
DWP Consultation on Changes to the Investment Regulations following the Law Commission’s report – an NAPF response
DWP consultation on charging: a response by NAPF – December 2013
DWP consultation on Disclosure of Information Regulations 2013 and NAPF response
DWP consultation on GMP equalisation an NAPF response – April 2012
DWP consultation on revised implementation proposals an NAPF response - April 2012
DWP consultation on technical changes to automatic enrolment – an NAPF response
DWP consultation on the changing definition of “Money Purchase Benefits” – an NAPF response
DWP consultation on the Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (Disclosure of Information) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 - an NAPF response
DWP consultation on The Occupational Pension Schemes (Levies) (Amendment) Regulations – an NAPF response
DWP consultation The Transfer of Employment (Pension Protection) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 an NAPF response
DWP Select Committee told that EU rules based on Solvency II are the single biggest threat to UK DB pensions
DWP: Offering a default option for defined contribution automatic enrolment pension schemes
Early access to pension saving: NAPF response to HM Treasury call for evidence
EC Green Paper - Building a Capital Markets Union: a response by the NAPF
EC Green Paper on Corporate Governance: NAPF response - July 2011
EC Green Paper on Long Term Finance – an NAPF response - June 2013
EC LTSI Consultation Response
EC Pensions Green Paper, NAPF's response, November 2010
EEA states: NAPF response to DWP consultation
Effects of using International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in the EU: public consultation – an NAPF response
EFRP joint statement on Solvency II
EIOPA CP-14/040 Consultation Paper on Further Work on Solvency of IORPs
EIOPA DP on single market in personal - NAPF response
EIOPA on IORP tranche 1 - NAPF response
EIOPA Quantitative Impact Study ('QIS') – An NAPF response
EIOPA review of the IORP Directive: An NAPF response
Employer Asset-backed Pension Contributions: NAPF response to HMRC/HMT consultation
Employer debt and Section 75: NAPF response to DWP consultation
Employer requirement to consult: NAPF response to DWP consultation
Employer requirement to consult: NAPF response to DWP consultation_1
Employers and 2012 auto-enrolment March 2012
Enabling good member outcomes in work-based pension provision: a response by the NAPF
Enhancing the effectiveness of the listing regime – NAPF response - February 2014
Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) Made Simple
ESA joint discussion paper risk mitigation measures NAPF response - March 2012
ESG risk in default funds: analysis of the UK’s DC pension market
ESMA proxy advisors consultation: NAPF response – June 2012
EU Reform of The Audit Market NAPF Position Paper
European Commission consultation on Gender imbalance in corporate boards an NAPF response - May 2012
European Market Infrastructure Regulation text
Exceptional times, exceptional measures: economic developments and the impact on pension schemes and members – March 2012
Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) made simple
Exchange Traded Funds Made Simple guide
Executive contracts and severance - ABI NAPF joint statement Feb 2008
Executive Remuneration: An NAPF response to a BIS consultation
Exposure draft guidance statement on performance examinations - UKIPC response to GIPS consultation
FACTA regulations: NAPF response to an IRS consultation
Factor Investing 2017 Made Simple
FCA asset management industry market study: PLSA response
FCA consultation CP14/21 – Dec 2014on Sponsor conflicts – an NAPF response
FCA consultation on MIFID II the PLSA response January 2017
FCA consultation on proposed rules for independent governance committees – an NAPF response
FCA consultation on the use of dealing commission rules – an NAPF response (February 2014)
FCA consultation: changes to DB transfer rules – an NAPF response April 2015
FCA Interim Report on Retirement Income Market Study – an NAPF response
FCA market study consultation: competition in at-retirement market - an NAPF response
Fiduciary Duties a review by the Law Commission – an NAPF response January 2014
Finance Directors - the New Centres of Influence
Finance directors and pensions: A view from the boardroom
Financial Advice Market Review: Call For Input
Financial capability: NAPF response
Financial regulation: NAPF response to HM Treasury consultation
Financial reporting of pensions: Response to ASB proposals
Financial reports of pension schemes: NAPF response to PRAG discussion paper
Financial statement presentation: NAPF response to IASB discussion paper
Fit for the future: NAPF's vision for pensions
Flexible retirement and age equality regulations 2009: NAPF response to DWP consultation
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)
Foundation pension: PPI evaluation of NAPF proposals
FRC consultation on risk management, internal control and the going concern basis of accounting – an NAPF response
FRC levy proposals: NAPF response to FRC consultation 2007/8
FSA consultation CP12/25 ‘Enhancing the effectiveness of the Listing Regime’ – An NAPF response
Future of Financial Reporting, an NAPF Response to an ABS consultation
Future of Narrative Reporting: An NAPF response to a BIS consultation
Future of public sector pension schemes: NAPF response to IPSPC
GAD review of CO rebates: NAPF response
Gender diversity on boards - NAPF response to FRC consultation
Gender pay gap consultation response
Generating income from private markets Made Simple guide
Getting Personal: Excellent DC pensions communications from around the world
Gilts: NAPF response to DMO consultation
GIPS ED Guidance Statement Private Equity: UKIPC response
GIPS Exposure Draft Guidance Statement on Real Estate: UKIPC response
GIPS Exposure Draft Guidance Statement on Verification: UKIPC response
Global investment performance standards 2006
Global investment performance standards 2010
GMP conversion: NAPF response to DWP consultation
Good Quality Data for Local Authorities 2017 Made Simple
Governance Consultation Response
Governance of work-based pension schemes: NAPF response to the TPR discussion paper
Pension sharing charges: Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association guidance
Guide to Responsible Investment reporting in Public Equity Published
Happiness in retirement survey
Harmonisation of solvency rules for IORPS: NAPF response to European Commission
Hedge Fund Standards: NAPF response to HFWG consultation
Hermes EOS & NAPF - Pay Principles
HM Treasury review of the balance of competences: Single Market financial services and the free movement of capital – an NAPF response Jan 2014
HMT & HMRC - Employer Asset-backed Pension Contributions
HMT consultation on ‘Freedom and choice in pensions’ – an NAPF response
How the Regulator will regulate the funding of defined benefits
HR managers views on pensions
IAASB Invitation to comment – Improving the Auditor’s Report – NAPF response
IFRS 8 operating segments: NAPF response
IFS Report - Expectations and experience of retirement in Defined Contribution pensions: a study of older people in England
Impact of the combined code: NAPF response to the FRC review
Improving transfers and dealing with small pension pots
Incentive Exercises Code
Incentive exercises for pensions a code of good practice - June 2012
Inclusion of investment risk as risk factor in the risk based levy: response to consultation
Indices and Benchmarks 2017 Made Simple
Inherited estates: NAPF response to HMRC consultation
Institutional investment in the UK six years on
Institutional investment in the UK six years on - report and recommendations
Internal dispute resolution procedures amendments – NAPF response to DWP consultation
Investment entities listing review: FSA consultation
Investment Governance Group: Looking after your DC plan
Investment Governance Group: Responses to consultation on DC investment governace
Investment Governance Group: Responses to consultation on DC investment governace_1
Investment Insight 6: ABC
Investment Insight: China - Miracle or Normalisation?
Investment Insight: Counterparty risk
Investment Insight: How Global Regulation affects UK Pension Fund investments
Investment Insight: Jargon busting the latest ‘hot’ investment strategies
Investment Insight: Secondary Property
Investment Insight: Social Housing
Investment Insights: Equities vs Bonds
Investment: NAPF response to PADA consultation
Investor Working Group on Collective Engagement - July 2013
ISC framework on voting disclosure
ISC paper: Improving institutional investors' role in governance
ISC Statement of_Principles 2007
Joint letter to the Financial Times on ‘pot follows member’
Kay Review - NAPF response
Lambert Banking Standards Review: an NAPF response March 2014
Law Commission document on Fiduciary Duties of Investment Intermediaries
Law Commission review of Fiduciary Duties of Investment Intermediaries an NAPF preliminary Response
Letter to FSA on permitted links rules
Letter to FTSE350 - Pension funds call on companies to show pay restraint
Letter to the FCA on the Retirement Outcomes Review
Levies: NAPF response to DWP consultation
LGPS 2014 and 2008 scheme amending regulations consultation: Part A: LGPS regulations 2013 – An NAPF response
LGPS governance discussion paper: the NAPF’s response
LGPS governance regulations consultation 2014 – an NAPF response
LGPS investment regs 2016
Lifetime allowance: NAPF response to HMRC consultation
Lifting the lid on DC pensions - research event 30 Nov 2012
Local Government Pension Scheme – Investment in partnerships consultation: An NAPF response
Local Government Pension Scheme 2013: Investing in a changing world: An NAPF report
Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations 2016
TreLocal Government Pension Scheme: Chair Speech - July 2013
Longterm future of the levy: NAPF response to a PPF consultation
Making auto enrolment work: NAPF submission to Government review of 2012 reforms
Making pension charges clearer November 2011
Manditory independent verification of investment performance: Why it matters
Mortalilty assumptions: NAPF response to TPR consultation
Manifesto - Priorities for pensions
Minimum quality standards - NAPF response
Mitchells & Butlers: A joint statement by the ABI and NAPF
More savers more saving
Mortality assumptions: NAPF response to BAS
Myners Principles: NAPF response to HMT consultation
NAPF Budget Submission 2014
NAPF contribution to the Walker review of corporate governance of the UK banking system - June 2009
NAPF contributions to the Paul Thornton review of institutions
NAPF Engagement Survey
NAPF Engagement Survey 2013
NAPF position statement on the T Charter
NAPF response to EIOPA consultation Paper on Further Work on Solvency of IORPs
NAPF response to EIOPA sponsor support
Pensions and Growth - NAPF response to the DWP Call for Evidence
NAPF response to the Independent Review of Retirement Income
NAPF Responsible Investment guide 2013
NAPF Stewardship Policy 2012
NAPF workplace pensions survey – March 2012
NAPF workplace pensions survey – October 2012
NAPF workplace pensions survey – October 2013
NAPF workplace pensions survey – Spring 2013
NAPF, CBI, TUC letter to Steve Webb
Navigating entry into the LGPS: for local government contractors
New draft DC code of practice consultation
New IORP Directive clause by clause
New rules for pension saving made simple 1 - What are the new rules?
New rules for pension saving made simple - 2. What do I need to think about?
New rules for pension saving made simple - 3. What are my pension scheme options?
New rules for pension saving made simple - 4. Will I need to change how I do things?
New rules for pension saving made simple - 5. What do I need to tell my employees?
New rules for pension saving made simple - 6. Things to look out for
Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes and the Pension Protection Fund (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2016 and Call for Evidence on the Valuation of Pensions with a Guaranteed Annuity Rate
Occupational Pension Schemes – abolition of defined benefit contracting-out.: A consultation on draft regulations – An NAPF response
Occupational pension schemes (Contracting out and modification of schemes) (Amendment) regulations DWP consultation an NAPF response – November 2011
Offering a default option for defined contribution automatic enrolment pension schemes: a NAPF response to the DWP consultation
Office of National Statistics options for improving the Retail Prices Index consultation – An NAPF response
OFT: Defined Contribution workplace pension market study: NAPF response
ONS consultation on consumer price indices – An NAPF response
Operating and Financial Review Statement
Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards: NAPF response – August 2012
Pension Freedoms: no more normal
Pension funds and the ISC Code - A practical guide
Pension funds engagement with companies 2006
Pension funds' engagement with companies survey 2007
Pension funds' engagement with companies survey 2009
Pensions funds' engagement with companies survey 2010
Pension fund's engagement with investee companies - 2011 NAPF engagement survey
Pension funds’ engagement with investee companies - NAPF Engagement Survey
Pension Protection Levy 2014-15 – NAPF response
Pension provision and the economic crisis
Pension scams: PLSA response to Government consultation
Pension sharing regulations 2008: NAPF response to DWP consultation 2008
Pension tax relief mitigation: NAPF response to HMT HMRC discussion document
Pension transfers and early exit charges
Pensions Bill briefing: Second Reading
Pensions Charges Made Clear: Joint Industry Code of Conduct – telling employers about DC pension charges
Pensions regulation compared
Pensions regulation compared: Key findings
Pensions Tax Relief – Individual Protection from the Lifetime Allowance Charge. NAPF response
Pensions tax relief: NAPF response to HMT HMRC consultation
Pensions tax relief: NAPF response to HMT/HMRT consultation
Pensions workplace survey 2011 - findings summary
Permitted links rules: NAPF response to FSA consultation
Personal Accounts charging structure: NAPF response to PADA consultation
Personal Accounts decumulation: NAPF response to PADA consultation
Phasing out the Default Retirement Age: NAPF response to BIS consultation
PLSA Lifetime ISA Consultation Response
PLSA responds to FCA provisional view on Undertakings in Lieu of a market investigation reference of investment consultancy services
PLSA responds to FCA Transaction cost disclosure in workplace pensions CP16/30
PLSA responds to investment association consultation on disclosure of charges and transaction costs
PLSA responds to law commission consultation on pension funds and social investment
PLSA statement in support of the stewardship code
PLSA writes to FTSE 350 on culture and working practices
Portability of supplementary pensions: Directive 2005. A joint response with EEFC, BIand, and ABI
PPF levy 2010-11: NAPF response to PPF consultation
PPF levy: NAPF comments on a steering group paper
PPF modification amendments 2016
PRA and FCA consultation - Strengthening the alignment of risk and reward: the new remuneration rules – an NAPF response
PRA clawback consultation: cp6-14 – an NAPF response
Pre-budget report 2009
Promoting audit quality: A discussion paper from the FRC
Proposed abolition of the rules governing substantial acquisition of shares
Proposed amendments to the Listing Rules in relation to sponsor competence – NAPF response - April 2014
Provision of death data: NAPF response to General Registries consultation
Public Financial Guidance Proposal for Consultation
Public Financial Guidance: A response by the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association
Public sector pension contributions: NAPF’s response to HMT consultation
Quantitative Easing: the pension scheme perspective
Quantitative Impact Study (QIS) methodology: NAPF response to EIOPA consultation
Quizzing Fund Managers
Record keeping: NAPF response to TPR consultation
Reforming remuneration practices in financial services: NAPF response to FSA consultation
Regulatory differences between occupational and workplace personal pensions: A NAPF response to a DWP consultation
Remit flexibility: A Debt Management Office consultation document
Remuneration principles for building and reinforcing long-term business success
Remuneration Reporting Regulations: NAPF response to BIS consultation
Report of the Collective Engagement Working Group – Dec 2013
Representation on the proposed Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive)
Response British Steel Pension Scheme
Response consultation on changes to ONS products 2015
Response Technical changes to automatic enrolment 2016
Response to consultation on contracting out legislation and GMP conversion method
Responsible investment guide March 2009
Restricting pensions tax relief through existing allowances: HM Treasury response to the consultation on draft legislation
Restriction of pensions tax relief - pension scheme & employer obligations
Retirement Income Adequacy: Generation by Generation
Retirement Income Adequacy: Generation by Generation. Appendix Methodology
Revised clearance guidance: An NAPF response to TPR consultation
Revised GIPS standards
Revised OECD principles on corporate governance – an NAPF response
Revision of the Shareholder Rights Directive – an NAPF briefing
Revitalising pensions: NAPF Budget submission June 2010
Risk sharing: NAPF response to DWP consultation
SAM-FCA rules and guidance
Scheme order and rules: NAPF response to PADA/DWP consultation
Scottish independence: the implications for pensions
Second PPF Levy Triennium - NAPF response
Second submission to the DWP deregulatory review of private pensions
Section 75 Employer Debt in Non-Associated Multi-Employer Defined Benefit Pension Schemes: NAPF response to DWP call for evidence
Section 75 employer debt rules – NAPF welcomes reform
Section 75: NAPF response to DWP informal consultation
Securities in retirement towards a new pensions system: NAPF response to Pensions White Paper
Securities lititgation: questions for trustees
Security and sustainability in defined benefit schemes: consultation response by the PLSA
Shareholders right: NAPF Response to BERR consultation
Short selling: NAPF tesponse to FSA discussion paper
Small pots, big opportunities? – NAPF event 17th May 2012
Spotlight on Pensions – NAPF’s response to the Government’s Red Tape Challenge
State Pension Age Review PLSA Response
Statement of Support of the Stewardship Code
Stewardship Code guidance for investors
Stewardship Code: NAPF response to FRC consultation
Stewardship Disclosure Framework – a report on progress (March 2014)
Stewardship Survey 2016
Strengthening the incentive to save. A consultation response on tax relief
Submission to House of Lords Economic Affairs Sub-Committee on 2009 Finance Bill
Supporting DC savers at retirement: an analysis of the advice and brokerage market
Takeover panels' derivatives and options regime: response to consultation
Telling Employers about DC Pension Charges: Research Conducted by IFF for NAPF and B&CE
Telling people about DC pension charges
The advice requirement and overseas transfers
The case for an Independent Retirement Savings Commission
The Case for Consolidation
The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) consultation on - FRED 55, Pensions accounting in the UK: an NAPF response
The Future of Financial Reporting - a NAPF Response to an ABS consultation
The Future of Narrative Reporting: NAPF response to the BIS consultation
The future of public sector pensions schemes: NAPF submission oto IPSPC's final call for evidence
The Local Government Pension Scheme (Amendment) (Governance) Regulations 2014 Consultation – an NAPF response
The Longevity Model
The NAPF Guide to Investment Management Agreements – March 2015
The NAPF Longevity Model - November 2014
The NAPF’s Manifesto, Pension Possibilities
The Occupational Pension Schemes (Miscellaneous Amendments No. 2) Regulations 2013 Consultation: NAPF Response
The ocupational and personal pension scheme regulations 2017
The Pension Protection Levy: a New Framework - NAPF Response to a PPF consultation paper
The Pension Regulator’s consultation on its DB Transfers Guidance – an NAPF response
The pension trustee’s Brexit to-do list
The Pensions Regulator consultation on regulating public service pension schemes – an NAPF response
The Pensions Regulator’s maintaining contributions consultation – an NAPF response
Thoresen Interim Report: NAPF response
Thoresen review: NAPF response
TKU: NAPF response to TPR consultation
TPR code of practice DC consultation – an NAPF response – March 2013
TPR consultation on AE scheme list – an NAPF response
TPR consultation on Compliance and enforcement policy for public service pension schemes – an NAPF response
TPR consultation on Regulating defined benefit pension schemes – an NAPF response
TPR powers: NAPF response to DWP
Treating DC scheme members fairly in retirement research report
Trends in defined benefit asset allocation: the changing shape of UK pension investment – An NAPF research paper –July 2013
Triennial review of pensions bodies: call for evidence – an NAPF response
UK Competition Commission Audit Services Market Investigation Preliminary Findings – an NAPF Response March 2013
UK Competition Commission Audit Services Market Investigation Provisional Decision On Remedies – NAPF Response August 2013
UKIPC constitution and operation updated April 2009
UKIPC Response to Alternatives Guidance Statement
UN PRI consultation response
Understanding engagement and transparency an Ipsos Mori report on behalf of the NAPF September 2011
Understanding Retirement Wave 2: Interim Report
Understanding Retirement: An NAPF Research Programme
Understanding the worth of the workforce – a stewardship toolkit for pension funds
Valuing pensions for the advice requirement and introducing new consumer protections
Walker review: NAPF response
Walker Working Group: NAPF response to consultation
What do pension scheme members expect of how their savings are invested? – An NAPF research report
When should the state pension age increase to 66?: NAPF response to call to evidence
Where is the workforce in corporate reporting? An NAPF discussion paper
Winding up: NAPF response to TPR/PPF/DWP consultation
Workplace pension reform - completing the picture: NAPF response to DWP consultation
Workplace pension survey 2009
Workplace Pensions Survey – May 2014
Workplace pensions survey 2010
Workplace Pensions Survey an NAPF survey October 2012
Workplace Retirement Income Commission call for evidence
Workplace Retirement Income Commission final report
WRIC Ipsos MORI focus group report
Good Governance - How to get there
Consultation on changes to levy methodology for the 2021/22
PLSA’s Response to TPR’s Corporate Strategy
International sustainability standard and board: PLSA response to IFRS Foundation consultation
UK listings review call for evidence: PLSA response
The occupational and personal pension schemes (general levy) regulations review 2020 public consultation: PLSA response
Mccloud Northern Ireland amendments to the statutory underpin PLSA response
Five principles for pension taxation
PLSA Stewardship & Voting Guidelines
Taking action on climate risk consultation: PLSA Response
incorporating performance fees within the charge cap: plsa response to dwp consultation
Increasing the normal minimum pension age: consultation on implementation: PLSA Response
Approach to the investigation and prosecution of the new criminal offences
Mandatory climate-related financial disclosures response
Work and Pensions Select Committee - Five Years on from the Pension Freedoms
TPR single code of practice: PLSA response
Consideration of social risks and opportunities by occupational pension schemes
A Changing Climate: Update
Responsible Investment Quality Mark: Consultation on Standards
Net Zero: Top Tips for Pension Scheme Trustees
Pensions Dashboards Programme call for input on staging: PLSA response
TPR’s Consultation on the Code of Practice (CoP) 12: Contribution Notices
Pension tax reforms: Implications for savers
DWP permitted charges within Defined Contribution pension schemes: PLSA response
Proposed Guidance on Climate-related Metrics, Targets, and Transition Plans
Future of the Defined Contribution Pension Market: The case for greater consolidation
TPR FCA Joint Call for Input on Pension Consumer Journey: PLSA response
Guidance on governance and reporting of climate-related risks and opportunities new appendix
Occupational Pension Schemes Regulations 2021 PLSA response
DCMS Sub-Committee on online harms and disinformation inquiry: PLSA Response
DWP Stronger Nudge to pensions guidance: PLSA Response
FCA Enhancing climate-related disclosures PLSA response
An employer’s guide to talking about workplace pensions
FCA Primary Markets Effectiveness Review
Small pots cross-industry co-ordination group: update report
Towards a Greener Future
Long Term Asset Funds (LTAF) Made Simple
Driving Value for Money in Defined Contribution Pensions
Review of the Fraud Compensation Levy Ceiling
ESG Made Simple 2021
Cost Transparency Made Simple
Pensions Dashboards A-Z
TPR consultation: New enforcement policies: PLSA response
Climate and Investment Reporting: Setting Expectations and Empowering Savers
Enabling investment in productive finance: PLSA Response
Carbon Emissions Template
WPSC Call for Evidence: Saving for later life – PLSA response
Millennials research
Talent Management in the LGPS: The Three Rs
How do companies report on their most important asset
DWP consultation on draft Pensions Dashboards regulations: PLSA response
TPR CDC code consultation: PLSA submission
Pensions Dashboards Scheme Checklist
Pensions Dashboards: are you ready to connect, compare and convey
FCA Consultation on Pensions Dashboards CP22/3: PLSA Response
Additional clarity on HMRC’s GMP equalisation guidance on tax treatment
Strengthening the Pensions Regulator’s powers: Notifiable events (amendments) regulations 2021
Natural Capital Made Simple
Proposed revisions to ASTM1: PLSA response
Facilitating investment in illiquid assets by defined contribution pension schemes
Second State Pension age Review: PLSA Response
Defined Benefit De-risking Made Simple
Building on the Pension Freedoms: Guided Retirement Income Choices
The Local Government Pension Scheme: today’s challenges, tomorrow’s opportunities
Retirement choices: the evolution of products and support
TPR Enforcement and prosecution policies consultation: PLSA response
Small pots cross industry co-ordination group: Spring 2022 report
Investment relationships for sustainable value creation
Cyber Risk Made Simple
Treasury Committee Call for Evidence: The Venture Capital Market
Own Risk Assessments Made Simple
Pensions Dashboards Further Consultation: PLSA Response
Helping savers understand their pension choices
International Sustainability Standards Board Sustainability Disclosure Drafts Consultation
Dashboards Standards Consultation: PLSA response
Securities Litigation Made Simple
Guides on the key considerations around investing in less liquid assets
Five steps to better pensions: time for a new consensus
A research report supplement to Five Steps to Better Pensions
Draft occupational pension schemes (funding and investment strategy and amendment) regulations 2023: PLSA response
2023/24 Pension Protection Fund (PPF) levy consultation - PLSA response
Broadening the investment opportunities of DC pension schemes - PLSA submission to a DWP Consultation
Investing in less liquid assets – key considerations
LGPS Governance and reporting of climate change risks
Worthwhile Workforce Reporting Dec 2022
Work and Pensions Committee Inquiry into DB pensions with LDIs
2023 Budget Submission
Proposed regulatory framework for pensions dashboard service firms
Pension dashboards programme design standards consultation
TPR Dashboards compliance and enforcement policy consultation
PLSA Draft DB Funding Code Response March 2023
Extending Opportunities for Collective Defined Contribution Pension Schemes: PLSA response
Value for money: a framework on metrics, standards and disclosures: PLSA response
Addressing the challenge of deferred small pots: a call for evidence
Perceptions of the CTI framework
Lessons from LDI for scheme governance and risk management models
WPSC inquiry into Defined Benefit DB schemes PLSA response
Long-term Investment for Technology and Science (LIFTS) Initiative: PLSA Response
Investment Companies Made Simple
Updating and Improving the UK Regime for Asset Management: PLSA response to the FCA Discussion Paper
Supporting savers through the cost-of-living crisis
Helping with the cost of living
Long road to buyout: how to make the right investment choices
Pensions and growth a paper by the PLSA on supporting pension investment in UK growth
LGPS Regulatory Mapping
Proposed Equity Listing Rule Reforms: PLSA response to FCA consultation
LGPS views from inside the scheme
Uncovering the profile of very low earners in the UK 2023
Helping Savers Understand their Pension Choices 2023
Ending the Proliferation of deferred Small Pots
Pension Trustee Skills Capability and Culture
Options for Defined Benefit Schemes
Abolition of the Lifetime Allowance: PLSA response to HMRC consultation
LGPS: next steps on investments
Five Steps to Better Pensions: Final Report
Buy-in or buy-out Made Simple
PLSA at 100: The past, present and future
PLSA Autumn Statement Representation 2023
Better Pensions Charter
PLSA policy position on pensions and growth October 2023
Technical amendments to the Pension Protection Fund and Fraud Compensation Fund regulations
2024/25 PPF Levy Consultation: PLSA response
Work and Pensions Committee inquiry: Norton pension schemes and the fraud compensation fund: PLSA response
The Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (General Levy) Regulations Review 2023 Public Consultation: PLSA Response
Pension Scheme Investments in Illiquids Case Studies from the Pensions Sector
The role of Collective Defined Contribution in decumulation
Diversity and inclusion in the financial sector – working together to drive change – PLSA response to FCA Consultation CP23/20
Pension fund clearing exemption – PLSA response to HMT call for evidence
Modern leasehold: restricting ground rent for existing leases
Looking to the future: greater member security and rebalancing risk
Secure Income Made Simple
Four measures to boost UK growth through greater pension investment: PLSA ABI statement
Putting the spotlight on social factors - best practise case studies
Advice guidance boundary review – proposals for closing the advice gap: PLSA response
Consultation Paper CP23-31-Primary Markets Effectiveness Review
TPR statement of strategy consultation
Options for DB schemes DWP consultation
Discretionary Benefits Survey Results
Further consultation on the regulatory framework for pensions dashboard service firms PLSA response to FCA consultation paper CP24-4
Further consultation on the regulatory framework for pensions dashboard service firms - PLSA response to FCA consultation paper CP24-4
Defined benefit consolidation survey results
Pension Priorities for the First 100 Days of a New Government
Payment Optionality for Investment Research: PLSA response to FCA Consultation Paper 24/7
A quick introduction to the Local Government Pension Scheme
Pensions and Growth Creating a Pipeline of Investable UK Opportunities
2024 Autumn Budget Spending Review Representation
DC scheme guidance on retirement arrangements and partnerships
Private Markets Portfolio Construction Made Simple
Pensions Review - PLSA response to call for evidence
Pensions and Growth: using investment and fiscal incentives to encourage the flow of pension investment into UK assets
CP24-16 VFM response
2025-26 Pension Protection Fund PPF Levy Consultation PLSA response
CDC multi-employer draft regulations: PLSA response
Invest 2035: The UK’s Modern Industrial Strategy PLSA response
Pensions industry welcomes Mansion House reforms
Nature’s Impact
Pensioner Poverty, Challenges and Mitigations
Local Government Pension Scheme (England and Wales): Fit for the futureLocal Government Pension Scheme (England and Wales): Fit for the future
Pensions Investment Review: Unlocking the UK pensions market for growth
Inheritance tax on pensions: liability reporting and payment: The PLSA’s response to HMRC’s consultation
Is the Lifetime ISA fit for purpose in 2025?