A research report supplement to Five Steps to Better Pensions

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A research report supplement to Five Steps to Better Pensions: Time for a New Consensus

This report provides a detailed summary of modelling undertaken by the PPI on behalf of the PLSA in order to reveal the impact of a package of component measures to help address pensions inadequacy across the UK. 

The first section of this report provides details of the modelling approach. The report next highlights the evidence on pensions inadequacy across the UK. It then provides a summary of the impact of a range of measures on a future saver’s pension income in terms of their likelihood of meeting the Pensions Commission ‘replacement rates’, as well as a comparison against the different levels of the PLSA’s Retirement Living Standards. We also consider the impact of the proposals for those on different earning levels, differences by gender, variations in length of working lives, breaks in work during working lives and the impact on those who may have a mix of full time and part-time employment in their work history.