What do pension scheme members expect of how their savings are invested? – An NAPF research report

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What do pension scheme members expect of how their savings are invested? – An NAPF research report

This report presents the findings of research commissioned by the NAPF and undertaken by Opinium Research to gauge the level of awareness and interest UK pension scheme members have about both where and how their savings are invested.

The research findings presented within this report suggest that whilst the level of awareness as to how and where pension savings are invested is low, there is a significant latent interest amongst pension scheme members in knowing more about where their savings are invested. The findings also clearly suggest that a majority of scheme members would prefer, even if it was more expensive, that their employer favoured pension providers with strong stewardship offerings when establishing pension arrangements for their employees.

It is hoped that the findings from this research may assist those responsible at the various points in the investment chain, whether they are a trustee, scheme manager, provider or fund manager, in thinking through their relevant responsibility in delivering good member outcomes.

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