Spotlight on Pensions – NAPF’s response to the Government’s Red Tape Challenge

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Spotlight on Pensions – NAPF’s response to the Government’s Red Tape Challenge

NAPF has responded to the Government’s Red Tape Challenge on Pensions. Based on a consultation with its members, the document  identifies a shopping list of key areas where the Government needs to focus its energies if it is to meet its Red Tape Challenge and reinvigorate workplace pensions.

These include the overly prescriptive rules on the type of pensions employers need to offer, and how employers communicate with the members of their pension schemes.

Responding to the Government’s “Pensions Spotlight”, NAPF called on the Government to seize the moment by streamlining regulations. It added that the Government needs to ensure that the regulatory regime for pensions protects members’ interests while not imposing unnecessary burdens on employers who are providing good quality pensions to their workforce.

Thank you to all NAPF members you responded to the consultation, attended discussions and contributed to working groups.


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