Responsible Investment Quality Mark: Consultation on Standards

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Responsible Investment Quality Mark: Consultation on Standards

We’re consulting on a new set of standards that recognise responsible investment by pension schemes.

In a PLSA survey of more than 2,000 UK adults, 80% said global warming is an important issue to them, but just one in seven think schemes are taking any action. This is despite regulatory changes that require schemes to report on how they incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors across their operations and invest responsibly.

To help schemes and savers, we have developed a set of standards that will allow schemes to gain a new accreditation that will reassure savers that schemes are performing well against a broad range of standards across their operations. The Responsible Investment Quality Mark will offer:

  • a new standard to which schemes can aspire,
  • the opportunity to share best practice among schemes, and
  • a scheme member-focussed way to demonstrate activities in this area.

The RIQM is intended to be accessible for pension schemes of all types and all sizes, with an assessment approach designed to respond intelligently and flexibly to the scale and resources of the relevant scheme, so that not only the largest and best resourced schemes will be able to qualify.

The consultation closes on Friday 3 September. Please send responses to [email protected].