Report of the Collective Engagement Working Group – Dec 2013

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Report of the Collective Engagement Working Group – Dec 2013

The Collective Engagement Working Group was established in April 2013 and was supported by the ABI, IMA and NAPF. The Working Group was formed in response to the Kay Review and its objective was to identify how investors might be able to better work together in their engagement with listed companies to improve both sustainable, long-term company performance and overall returns to end savers.

The key conclusions of the Working Group are:

  • A new Investor Forum should be created and be operational by June 2014. The new Forum will ensure the opportunity for collective engagement for a wider range of institutional investors.
  • Cultural change is needed. Asset owners, asset managers and companies need to develop a shared sense of partnership.
  • Major listed companies should hold an annual strategy meeting.
  • Engagement on governance issues should be integrated into the investment process.


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