PLSA Stewardship Survey 2017

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PLSA Stewardship Survey 2017

The PLSA’s stewardship survey, undertaken in partnership with the Investment Association (IA), the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA) and the Financial Reporting Council (FRC), examines pension funds’ stewardship practices. By undertaking active stewardship of their investments, pension funds can deliver better outcomes for members. That means working with their investee companies and asset managers to oversee and improve the strategy, governance, corporate culture, financial performance or environmental and social impact of those companies. Respondents to the survey unanimously agreed that pension funds have stewardship responsibilities. Other key findings were as follows: 

  •  76 per cent of respondents agreed that Environmental; Social and Governance considerations are financially material to their investments. 
  •  71 per cent say they take stewardship factors into consideration when selecting their asset manager. 
  •  Over half of respondents have taken steps to increase their stewardship activities in the past year. 

 There are more resources for pension funds looking to improve their stewardship practices on our website here.

Watch a ninety second slideshow highlighting the stewardship survey’s key findings below: