Pensions Dashboards Programme call for input on staging: PLSA response

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Pensions Dashboards Programme call for input on staging: PLSA response

The Call for Input sets out recommendations on how staging will take place over two years from April 2023 with schemes and providers onboarding over three waves.

The PLSA view is that it is currently impossible to estimate how much time schemes will need to prepare as there are many uncertainties regarding data requirements and there are many dependencies on third parties. Therefore, while we agree to the proposed order of staging we are not confident the proposed timeline is achievable. In addition, we believe schemes and providers will need staging windows rather than specific dates for connection.

The PLSA agrees with the sentiment behind PASA proposals on making sure that it is possible to connect successfully pensions to the dashboards ecosystem (“Find”) before going on to ensure that the correct amounts of pension (“View”) are displayed. We remain committed to “Find and View” dashboards but the PLSA would like to see more user testing with savers in respect of what should be displayed on pension dashboards.