Covid-19 survey results

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Covid-19 survey results

With organisations of all types making changes to the way they operate during the pandemic, we wanted to know how PLSA members are meeting the challenge of Covid-19 to help us support you and tell Government what matters most.

Thank you to all our members who contributed. In two surveys over the last month, our members told us the pandemic is having little impact on day-to-day operations, contingency plans are working and savers can be confident their benefits are secure of the coming months: 

  • All pension schemes surveyed report they are confident or fairly confident they can meet their payment obligations to members over the coming months.
  • 99% of schemes say contingency plans are coping and almost two-thirds (62%) said Covid-19 is having little impact on the day to day running of the scheme.

This is great news for PLSA members and savers. But if there are schemes that need help or guidance, we’ve put together a series of top tips and webinars to help you with governance, communications, investment and regulatory issues, visit the COVID-19 resource section on our website. 

We hope you’re staying safe and healthy.