NAPF workplace pensions survey – March 2012

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NAPF workplace pensions survey – March 2012

The NAPF Workplace Pension Survey tracks the opinions of the general public on pensions, and in particular assesses confidence in pensions and the likely reaction to the incoming auto-enrolment reforms.

Highlights from the Spring 2012 edition include:

  • Of all respondents, 42% had heard about the auto-enrolment reforms coming in this autumn. This falls to 39% of those who are eligible for auto-enrolment and currently not a member of a workplace pension scheme
  • The proportion of those saying they are likely to stay auto-enrolled has remained stable at around two thirds between autumn 2011 and spring 2012
  • The most mentioned reason for opting out was low trust in the pensions industry, followed by affordability. In the last autumn survey the order between the two top reasons was reversed
  • Employer contributions was a key reason for respondents to stay auto-enrolled


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