LGPS Regulatory Mapping

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LGPS Regulatory Mapping

The PLSA has been working on implementing the recommendations made in the report, The Local Government Pension Scheme: Today’s Challenges, Tomorrow’s Opportunities, which identified areas where existing good practice can be fortified and where action can be taken to address the ever-increasing regulatory and environmental challenges facing the scheme.

The development of a ‘regulatory map’ to help members and external stakeholders understand and navigate the complexities in which the LGPS operates – since there is currently no entity looking at the whole of the LGPS – directly responds to one of the report’s recommendations and is crucial to understanding the scheme’s complexities.

The map is divided into three sections, according to the geographic distribution of the LGPS: England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. It also contains a heat map of some of the most pertinent issues that funds are facing, matching these topics with the entities responsible for these areas, showcasing the complexity of the development of consistent, coherent and clear LGPS policy and regulation.

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