PPF Insolvency Scoring Methodology 2020/21 resp

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PPF Insolvency Scoring Methodology Consultation 2020/21: PLSA response

In January 2019, the PPF announced that Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) had been appointed to operate and develop its insolvency risk model from 2021/22, taking over from Experian. In this consultation, the PPF sought views on the changes proposed to its insolvency risk methodology as well as its new online portal. 

The PLSA supports the PPF’s work to make the website more user friendly as well as the decision to not conduct a complete overhaul of the insolvency risk model as it transitions from Experian to D&B, bringing much needed consistency for schemes. 

We urge that any changes brought about by the move to D&B must only bring greater transparency and improvements to customer service.