Business Membership

Business Membership

If you are a pension scheme service provider, PLSA Business Membership will offer unique opportunities to promote your organisation and services to PLSA pension scheme members. It allows us to work with your organisation to understand your objectives and to suggest ways in which you can reach your target audiences.

We can offer a range of opportunities such as speaking at our large, first class conferences or at our more intimate Forums, targeted branding and advertising options, or you could work with us to produce thought-leadership publications. We are open to discussing any ideas you may have about how we can help you reach your objectives.

We are the leading provider of pension conferences and events in the UK, securing top speakers from Government and the pensions industry and delivering unrivalled programmes examining the key issues of the day.

Along with being a great place to network, our conferences and events will also give you an unparalleled insight into what's happening in pensions and what it means for your business. As part of your membership you will be eligible for discounted delegate places at these events.

Sponsoring and exhibiting at Pensions and Lifetime Saving Association events is exclusive to our business members.

Who can join?

Business Membership is for organisations providing professional services to employer sponsored retirement funds, whether investment, professional services or administration.

How much does it cost?

Click below to calculate the cost of your subscription.

Calculate your subscription Calculate your subscription

To calculate your subscription first identify your organisation type, then check your organisation's size category using the table.

Organisation types

Type A. Investment and fund management

Asset managers, investment consultants, custodians, drawdown management companies, banks, insurers and brokers, buyout companies and private equities funds.

Type B. Professional, administration and support

Solicitors, actuaries, independent trustees, accountants, third party administrators, service providers to asset managers, communications and retirement consultants, IT software support.

Your band Type A. UK pension assets under management (£m) Type B. UK pension turnover (£m) Your subscription in 2024
A 0 - 499 Less than 1m £1,146
Type A. UK pension assets under management (£m)
0 - 499
Type B. UK pension turnover (£m)
Less than 1m
Your subscription
B 500 - 999 £1 - £2m £3,054
Type A. UK pension assets under management (£m)
500 - 999
Type B. UK pension turnover (£m)
£1 - £2m
Your subscription
C 1,000 - 1,999 £2.1 - £5m £6,109
Type A. UK pension assets under management (£m)
1,000 - 1,999
Type B. UK pension turnover (£m)
£2.1 - £5m
Your subscription
D 2,000 - 2,999 £5.1 - £10m £9,160
Type A. UK pension assets under management (£m)
2,000 - 2,999
Type B. UK pension turnover (£m)
£5.1 - £10m
Your subscription
E 3,000 - 3,999 £10.1 - £15m £11,454
Type A. UK pension assets under management (£m)
3,000 - 3,999
Type B. UK pension turnover (£m)
£10.1 - £15m
Your subscription
F 4,000 - 4,999 £15.1 - £20m £15,269
Type A. UK pension assets under management (£m)
4,000 - 4,999
Type B. UK pension turnover (£m)
£15.1 - £20m
Your subscription
G 5,000 - 9,999 £20.1 - £25m £19,085
Type A. UK pension assets under management (£m)
5,000 - 9,999
Type B. UK pension turnover (£m)
£20.1 - £25m
Your subscription
H Over 9,999 Over £25m £22,901
Type A. UK pension assets under management (£m)
Over 9,999
Type B. UK pension turnover (£m)
Over £25m
Your subscription
International - - £3,054
Type A. UK pension assets under management (£m)
Type B. UK pension turnover (£m)
Your subscription

How to join

Download and complete the Business Membership Application Form.

Please review the terms and conditions of Business Membership and the membership rules.

If you need help or further information, contact the business development team: [email protected] | 0207 601 1770

  • Why become a business member

Business and networking opportunities with the key decision makers in the pensions industry through our first class conferences, exhibitions, regional meetings and forums

- Showcase your brand, products and services to the pensions industry

Contribute to the policy making debate

- Discount on our conferences and other events

- Lobbying and representational work: making your voice heard where it matters

- PolicyWatch an e-bulletin of the latest pensions news, political and regulatory development

- 'Made Simple' guides: Receive free copies of our widely acclaimed guides, and the opportunity to sponsor them

- Access to influential research and benchmarking surveys

- Viewpoint: Advertise at substantially discounted rates in our flagship publication