PLSA recruiting pension experts to join Policy Board | PLSA
PLSA recruiting pension experts to join Policy Board

PLSA recruiting pension experts to join Policy Board

11 December 2024, Press Release

The PLSA is calling for experts from the pensions industry to apply for roles on its Policy Board.

Formed in 2018, the Policy Board is comprised of experts across the PLSA’s broad membership. It guides and decides on the PLSA’s public policy positions with a remit stretching across all aspects of policy work on pensions and lifetime savings with the goal of shaping the policy agenda for the retirement income and savings system.

Up to five vacancies have arisen due to some existing members completing their terms of appointment or changing employment.

Surrey Pension Fund Head of Pensions, Neil Mason, and West Midlands Pension Fund Executive Director of Pensions, Rachel Brothwood, have completed their second terms (the maximum allowed) on the Policy Board. Also, Zoe Alexander, who has joined the PLSA executive as Director of Policy and Advocacy, stepped down from representing NEST on the Policy Board last month to join the PLSA’s corporate Board. Sarah Luheshi, formerly of the PPI, will be leaving Policy Board later this month, after retiring from her PPI role in the late summer.

On a separate note, the PLSA is very pleased to welcome Euan Miller, Managing Director of the West Yorkshire Pension Fund, as the new Chair of the LA Committee, in place of Neil Mason.

Consequently, the PLSA is looking to appoint highly experienced experts from a range of schemes and pension organisations. For this round of recruitment, PLSA is specifically looking for candidates from within local authority fund, large master trust, contract-based DC and large DB or hybrid segments from within its membership.

The Policy Board meets four times per year and encompasses between 15 and 20 participants from across the PLSA’s membership, in particular pension funds from the DB, DC, LGPS, and master trust sectors, as well as business members such as employee benefits consultants and law firms.

The deadline for applications is Friday 7 February 2025. To find out the criteria for selection and how to apply, visit the PLSA website.

John Chilman, Chair, PLSA Policy Board, said: “The Policy Board is an important and influential body which plays a crucial role in setting the PLSA’s policy agenda and positions, ensuring the PLSA is tackling the issues that matter most to our members.

“In 2024 the Policy Board charged the PLSA with the crucial role of making recommendations to government on how it can encourage greater investment in the UK without making radical interventions in the operation of the market or undermining pension schemes’ fiduciary duty to their members. It has set an ambitious work programme for the PLSA to lobby for vital reforms to improve our retirement savings system to help more people receive an adequate income in retirement.

“It is vital that this work continues and to do this we must recruit skilled people from a range of pension backgrounds to ensure the PLSA fulfils its role of ensuring our members’ views – and those of their savers – are heard by decision-makers on key retirement income issues.”

Mark Smith, Head of Media Relations
020 7601 1726 | [email protected]

Cali Sullivan, Senior PR Manager
020 7601 1761 | [email protected]

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