The UK's Zero-Carbon Transport Infrastructure Future

28 October 2020 | Webinar

the uk's zero-carbon transport infrastructure future

The UK’s greener future is accelerating. Vastly lower carbon emissions are planned for transport infrastructure, with a ban on new petrol, diesel and even hybrid car sales from 2035, and  maybe as soon as 2030.  Investment opportunities abound for building the infrastructure necessary to power our new way of living, starting with charging stations for electric vehicles. We examine specific investment opportunities in electric vehicle charging, with a focus on projects already in progress. 

What you’ll learn

  • Investment opportunities and expected returns for electric vehicle charging 
  • Investment structures and how they fit within an investment portfolio
  • Other zero-carbon investment opportunities within the transport sector

If you have any questions about the webinar please contact Anna Dixon:
0207 601 1765  |   [email protected]


Mark Henderson

Chief Investment Officer, GridServe

Helen Lamb

Membership Engagement Manager, PLSA

Toddington Harper

CEO, GridServe

Education Partner

Key info


Wednesday 28 October 2020
11:00 - 12:00 


Pension fund trustees and advisors, pension investment consultants, investment committee chairs and committee members, employee benefits consultants, multi-asset managers, insurance companies, infrastructure investors