Get Ready for Pensions Dashboards

20 April | Policy Insights Webinar

Get ready for pensions dashboards

Dashboards are coming soon, are you ready?


Your chance to find out about the policy and lobbying work that we do on members’ behalf. Hear from the PLSA’s Policy and Advocacy team about the conversations they have with Ministers, Government officials and regulators.

The dashboards programme is currently being reset, with an update coming no later than 20 July 2023.  But schemes should capitalise on that three-month grace period to continue their preparations for dashboards.

It's essential that all schemes understand the pensions dashboards ecosystem and what they need to do now to become a compliant part of that ecosystem when the time comes.

PLSA Head of Member Engagement, James Walsh will discuss the latest developments with PLSA Dashboards Consultant Richard Smith, TPR Dashboards Industry Engagement Lead Angela Bell and Chris Curry, Principal of the Pensions Dashboards Programme at the Money and Pensions Service.


Angela Bell

Industry Outreach Lead: Pensions Dashboards, The Pensions Regulator

Chris Curry

Principal, Pensions Dashboards Programme

Richard Smith

Pensions Dashboards Consultant, PLSA

James Walsh

Head of Member Engagement, PLSA

If you have any questions about this event please contact Nikolina Hudi:
0207 601 1710  |   [email protected]

Key info


Thursday 20 April 2023


Zoom webinar


PLSA members: FREE
Non-members, schemes only £90+VAT


This event may qualify for CPD hours under your CPD scheme