DB Forum

1 May | London

DB Forum

Shaping tomorrow's pensions landscape

Dive into the heart of pensions policy and innovation Forum. This is the place to steer the direction of pensions in your sector. Discover thought leadership, hear expert speakers, and add your voice to the discussion. 

We’re bringing together a community of top-tier pension professionals to connect with peers, share invaluable insights, and tackle current challenges and emerging trends.  

We're not just discussing the future; we're creating it.

Gather with other senior stakeholders in the Defined Benefit sector at the PLSA’s DB Forum; an opportunity to come together and share your thoughts and concerns freely, debating the top issues of the day, under Chatham House rules. Hear from the PLSA as we explain what’s on the horizon for DB schemes in 2025 and beyond, before discussing the best use for surpluses in our group conversation. Plus, put the Regulator on the spot on the DB Funding Code and other areas of interest in our popular Ask the Regulator segment.    

More information on the programme and speakers coming soon...

If you have any questions about this event please contact Nikolina Hudi:
0207 601 1710  |   [email protected]


off the record

This event will be held off the record, allowing delegates to freely express their views and to encourage free discussion. 

Key info


Thursday 1 May 2025
09:30 - 14:20


Goldman Sachs, 2 Stonecutter Street, London, EC4A 4AH


PLSA Fund members FREE 


Senior level executives and decision-makers from DB schemes of all sizes, including Heads of Pensions, Trustees, Administrators, Heads of Investment, CIOs and CEOs, and anyone representing / from a pension scheme with an interest in DB.


This event may qualify for CPD hours under your CPD scheme