PLSA comments on TPR Climate Change Strategy | PLSA
PLSA comments on TPR Climate Change Strategy

PLSA comments on TPR Climate Change Strategy

07 April 2021, Press Release

The Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) comments on the Pensions Regulator’s Climate Change Strategy.

Joe Dabrowski, Deputy Director – Policy, PLSA: said: “The PLSA strongly supports the Pensions Regulator’s view that addressing climate risk is intertwined with pension schemes’ fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of their members and should be a mainstay of good investment governance.

“This was a key factor for our Changing Climate report – published last year – which drew on our discussions with more than 80 pension industry representatives and demonstrated the near universal desire among pension funds to invest in a climate-aware way.

“As TPR has emphasised in its strategy document today, the pension industry is well placed to continue to influence the debate and extend the governance of climate risks to the corporate sector.

“TPR’s commitments to providing guidance on the TCFD regulations, updating the trustee toolkit and providing relevant training to staff are also very welcome. We look forward to working with the Regulator to ensure the guidance is suitable for schemes and supports them to achieve best practise."

Mark Smith, Senior PR Manager
 020 7601 1726 |  [email protected]k

Steven Kennedy, PR Manager
 020 7601 1737 | 07713 073024 | [email protected]

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