NAPF elects new investment council members | PLSA
NAPF elects new investment council members

NAPF elects new investment council members

15 September 2010, Press Release

Sally Bridgeland and Joyce Martindale have been elected as new members of the National Association of Pension Funds’ (NAPF) Investment Council.

Sally Bridgeland is CEO at BP Pension Trustees, while Joyce Martindale is head of Investment Implementation & Change within the Investment Team at the Railways Pension Scheme. They replace Gerry Degaute from Royal Mail Pensions Trustees and Peter Morris from Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council, who are retiring after having served on the Council for two terms. 

Changes are effective from the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held at the NAPF Annual Conference in Liverpool on 8 October 2010.

Joanne Segars, Chief Executive at NAPF, said:

“I am delighted that Sally and Joyce have been elected as new members of NAPF’s Investment Council. With their outstanding experience in the pensions industry, they will bring new vigour to the Council at a challenging time for the world of pensions.”

The Investment Council is one of the main bodies through which NAPF develops policies on behalf of its members. Drawing its 19 members from within the pensions industry, the Council helps steer NAPF’s representational work to Government.


Notes to Editors

About Sally Bridgeland

Sally Bridgeland is CEO of BP Pension Trustees Limited, the corporate trustee of the BP Pension Fund.  As an executive trustee she has the delegated responsibility to monitor their in-house fund management and administration teams, and to develop recommendations for policy and strategy.

Sally started her career advising companies about funding and design of their arrangements before moving to the investment area where she had both client and research responsibilities.  She also worked with fund managers on their investment processes and has led innovation projects which included work on new benchmarks and approaches to investment management.

She is an actuary and is currently an elected member of the Institute of Actuaries’ Council.  She is also a member of the UK actuarial profession’s Management Board.

Sally served as a co-opted member of the NAPF’s Investment Council for two years.

About Joyce Martindale

For the last 8 years Joyce Martindale has worked for the Railways Pension Scheme, one of the largest UK funds.  As head of Investment Implementation & Change within the Investment Team, she works closely with trustees, investment managers and service providers – all critical parties in the complex pension environment.

Prior to joining the Railways Pension Scheme, Joyce worked within the UK investment management industry at Gartmore Investment Management and Ernst & Young.

Over the last 6 years she has been involved with the NAPF, assisting the association on a number of matters.  She represents the NAPF on the Securities Lending and Repo Committee (SLRC) and chairs its Education and Documentation Sub-Committee.  Joyce also represents the NAPF on the industry-wide UK Investment Performance Committee and has attended regular Debt Management Office consultations on behalf of the association.


Ray Martin, DHL UK (Investment Council Chairman)

Mark Hyde Harrison, Barclays UK Retirement Fund (Investment Council Vice Chairman)
David Astley, Trinity Mirror
Richard Barlow, Electricity Pensions Services
Sally Bridgeland, BP Pension Trustees
Kevin Carter, BBC Pensions Scheme
Andrew Chapman, John Lewis Partnership
Mark Gull, Pension Corporation
Andrew Kirton, Mercer
Arno Kitts, Henderson Global Investors
Martin Mannion, GSK
Nicola Mark, Norfolk County Council
Joyce Martindale, Railways Pension Scheme
Michael O’Brien, JP Morgan
Alick Stevenson, AllenbridgeEPIC Investment Advisers
Sue Timbrell, Law Debenture
Lindsay Tomlinson, BlackRock (NAPF Chairman)
Mike Weston, DMGT Pensions

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