TPR: Auto-enrolment number one priority | PLSA
TPR: Auto-enrolment number one priority

TPR: Auto-enrolment number one priority

15 October 2015, News

The Pensions Regulator Chief Executive, Lesley Titcomb has told delegates at the NAPF Annual Conference that auto-enrolment is her number one priority. Commenting on small business coming on board over the next few years she said: “Some we will have to nudge, some we will have to kick and some we’ll have to fine.”

The regulator also has her eye on master trust regulation and expressed regret that the regulator’s assurance framework has not been more widely adopted. She said it was “frankly disappointing” and one of her biggest concerns around auto-enrolment. She added that she was considering asking the Government to make master trust assurance compulsory.

Jane Dawson

By Jane Dawson
Head of Publishing




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