Local Authority Conference | PLSA
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11-13 June 2024 | Gloucestershire

Local Authority Conference

Meeting unique challenges


Thank you to all the delegates, speakers and sponsors that helped make our Local Authority Conference 2024 a great success. 

If you attended the event, you can access videos, presentation slides and interviews on-demand via the event app. If you missed it, click here to register. 

You can also continue the conversation, post questions and share experiences in our member area. Log in to view the pensions topic community and explore the essential insights from the conference. View session summaries, key takeaways, actions points, interviews, session videos and much more.  

Looking ahead, we invite you our Annual Conference in October 2024, which promises to be another exceptional event featuring LGPS-focused content and opportunities to learn from other schemes. 

Our next Local Authority Conference takes place on 16-18 June 2025 at a new venue, Wyboston Lakes in Bedfordshire. 



2024 Speakers includeD

Joanne Donnelly

Head of Pensions, Local Government Association

Rachel Elwell

CEO, Border to Coast

Lewis Goodall

LBC Presenter; Co-Presenter of The News Agents podcast

Emma Douglas

Chair, PLSA; Wealth Policy Director, Aviva

Roger Phillips

Chair, England and Wales Scheme Advisory Board

Euan Miller

Managing Director, West Yorkshire Pension Fund

Susie Dent

Lexicographer from Countdown

Alex Younger

Head of Funding and Investment, Norfolk Pension Fund

Sian Kunert

Head of Pensions, East Sussex Pension Fund

Jon Richards

Assistant General Secretary, UNISON

Rachel Wood

Pension Fund Investment Strategist, West Sussex County Council

George Graham

Director, South Yorkshire Pensions Authority

Richard McIndoe

Director, Strathclyde Pension Fund

David Murphy

Chief Executive and Secretary, NILGOSC

Chris Curry

Director, Pensions Policy Institute



For queries or further information about the event please contact Nikolina Hudi:
 [email protected] or 0207 601 1710


View the 2024 event on-demand

Content from the 2024 conference is available to view on-demand to delegates who attended the event via the PLSA Events App or online at the below links. And if you didn't attend you can register now to watch on-demand and benefit from:

  • selected sessions
  • interviews with speakers and industry leaders
  • thought leadership reports and PLSA publications

View on demand now

Register to view on demand

key info

On-demand fees

Conference delegates: FREE
Fund members: FREE
Master trust members: FREE
Business members: £270
Non-members: £540

All prices stated exclude VAT


This event may qualify for CPD hours under your CPD scheme

Future dates

16-18 June 2025 
15-17 June 2026