Government policy for the LGPS

Tuesday 17 September 2024 | Policy Insights Webinar

Government policy for the LGPS

An update

Rarely has the LGPS been so central to Government policymaking. Whether it is the agenda carried over from the last Government on LGPS consolidation and the future of Pooling, or the new administration’s Pensions Review, local authority funds are at the heart of the discussions.

In this Policy Insights Webinar, we will update you on the PLSA’s latest discussions with MHCLG and the PLSA’s own perspective. The webinar is also an ideal opportunity to ask and have your questions answered and will ensure that you are updated on these vital policy debates.

Our Policy Insights Webinars are popular online events and a unique opportunity to gain insider knowledge directly from the PLSA Policy & Advocacy team. They provide a gateway to understanding the intricate workings of key issues in pensions as well as the dynamics of our policy and lobbying efforts on behalf of our members.

George Graham

Director, South Yorkshire Pensions Authority

Joe Dabrowski

Deputy Director – Policy, PLSA

Maria Espadinha

Policy Lead, PLSA

If you have any questions about this event please contact Nikolina Hudi:
0207 601 1710  |   [email protected]

Key info


Tuesday 17 September 2024


Zoom webinar


PLSA members: FREE
Non-members, schemes only £90+VAT


This event may qualify for CPD hours under your CPD scheme.