ESG and climate risk insights

18 November 2020 | Webinar

esg and climate risk insights

Managing ESG and Climate Change risks now forms a key part of pension scheme trustees’ governance responsibilities. But this is a complex area that can be challenging to navigate.

After we revealed the results on ESG and Climate Change governance from a recent Caceis and PLSA survey of UK pension schemes, a panel of pension funds and ESG specialists provided their views and experience on starting on the journey with implementing their ESG and Climate Change policies and what this means for good governance.

Listen to a panel of pension scheme specialists in the area of ESG and Climate Change.

What you’ll learn

  • Importance of ESG in the context of governance 
  • What do pension schemes care about when it comes to ESG and Climate Change? 
  • Future reporting requirements for pension schemes on ESG and Climate Change 


Scott Foster

Product Specialist, Cost Transparency, CACEIS

James Walsh

Head of Member Engagement, PLSA

Pat Sharman

Managing Director UK, CACEIS

Caroline Escott

Senior Investment Manager, Railpen

Ajeet Manjrekar

Co-Head of River and Mercantile Solutions

Education Partner

Key info


Wednesday 18 November 2020
11:00 - 12:00 


Trustees and pension scheme managers